The comic is sadly on hiatus until I get my own PC, I simply can not work on the family PC anymore (due to it being in living room where everyone can see what I'm doing - I used to use dad's work PC but it's slowly failing and it can't take huge programs/files so rip to that).
I don't know when that'll happen - considering my only income right now are commissions ;; but good thing is I'm already half there so hopefully sooner than later hah.
While it's on hiatus I will work more on the plot for next chapters, map of the whole world + 3D models of all villages/houses for easier drawing (3D perspective).
Most of that will be available only on Patreon since I'll be deleting Tumblr for good!
This months update might not be posted on 20th sadly, I had to cancel working on new pages due to commission (they come first now, until/if patreon goes somewhere lol)
BUT there'll be Kol's profile posted on Christmas, who knows I might even be able to finish few doodles to "celebrate" a y ear since first pages appeared x'D //shrug
I just went, once again, through the comments and let me tell you. It filled me with determination to keep going, and get more involved with the comic.
Thank you so much <33
We are almost at 4k subs and I'm seriously grateful for that, I can't believe that so much people are actually still interested in the story.
I'm almost done with pages for December, that's how determined I am! I'll also redraw the icon for it, due to "hooded" character not wearing the correct thing. :')
I'm posting art on my Instagram if you'd want to check it out! Even wips of new pages on my story, for now! (since I'll be launching a Patreon! ;; but more about that will be explained in upcoming update; 11/20!)
Thank you so much for 2k subs on Kyokan! I could never have imagine it getting so much views and feedback in the first place, and it really sucks that I'm not uploading much. I apologise for that, I'm graduating following month and I have no time for anything beside school project ;; Thank you for your patience, the comic is going back on somewhere in the middle of July!