alright, probs gonna ghost this account, start over on a new one. if Drananigons reboot gets put on tapas i may reboot Dragonwall as well with the new info. but i'm not allowing myself to do that until ive at least started one of my other original projects. the level of quality cant be the same as it was here.i need practice.
I want to clarify that Dragonwall, is not exactly OVER. in the coming weeks i will release what i have completed of this chapter, and then try and transcript a bit of the storyline up until the conclusion and write it here. and if anyone even cares by then, i can out some world info that is exclusive to dragonwall, like how the Tide happened, how the Bit-staff and Scryll work, and how Oculite crystals hide Lindwyled. but then I'm done. I'll hopefully, hopefully get working on another fully original comic, that will actually have good art that I keep promising to give you. Thanks for the inspiration to be better guys. I believe in you all.
as you may or may not have noticed, the main tapas page for Dragonwall has been deleted. Prpl/Serpyra has voiced her boredom with the series as it exists thus far, and has decided to move on to other projects, understandably. I think that this has also been a wake up call for me as well, as I'll explain.
Prpl has seemed disinterested in the comic for a while now, at least compared to Vindicaris, and this attitiude has carried over to Dragonwall. I know it is rather unhealthy to look at it this way, but this was a lways a sort of service i was providing in my mind, to the fans of Drananigons. I made this during the first big hiatus, hoping to get some readers to see me and come over during the wait for some content from the universe Prpl created, and even Prpl herself to an extent. however, this is a small webcomic based on a small webcomic, i was never going to get much, even from the fans, as my art was nothing special, especially compared to the original. i wasn't seeing interest, nor self-improvement, but i kept going, moving it to monthly, hoping to use that time to work harder on the comic, but i just didn't care enough.
this isn't my story. While Dragonwall was created with the mindset of letting it be able to stand alone, who was I making it for? not for me, clearly, since i wasn't even trying, or having fun with it at most points in the process, and not for prpl, since she got her enjoyment out of it in the beginning, just seeing it exist.(besides, this was all just 'the long game' to make even one artistic internet friend, for reccomendations and such, since my IRL friends are not very artistic, WHICH IS THE WORST, SLEAZIEST WAY TO DO ANYTHING FRIENDSHIP-WISE, DO NOT EVER DO THIS PEOPLE, LEARN FROM MY MISTAKES) so why am i spending any time on this thing when i could be doing so much more? i'm a creative person, I have new ideas, good ones, but I can't bring myself to work on them because my completionist stubbornness says "save this for later, you dont have the time(drive) for this and Dragonwall, and you can leave the Dragonwall story unfinished!" but i think that's not helping anyone here.
Ultimately Dragonwall really is nothing without Drananigons. you can't make something called fan content with no fandom to affiliate with. I never wanted to spend my time on an idea that isn't my own, when I could do so much with the chances I have now in 2018. I'm better than this, I can do better. Dragonwall was a fun project coming from a big mistake in the making. I don't want to be another certain someone. no matter what.
hey guys! been a hot minute, huh? well I have good news! Dragonwall is back in production, and I plan to bring you all volume 2 the week of June 1st, and update WEEKLY! thats right. weekly updates are coming back. also, be on the lookout for some fully original content from my brain between now and next year.
switched drawing software halfway through this weeks chapter, so DraWall will be half as long as it should be this week, next months should either be a double upload, or ill get out the next part in a couple weeks, after i get some practice in.
sorry for not doing weekly updates for the comic during the Drananigons hiatus. i went for a bit more detailed piece than previous ones, then i ended up moving and started college completely unprepared. i'll have it out the week of the thirteenth, like normally, for sure.
good news is, the drawing class had made a real difference, and it should show pretty soon,especially since i got a new drawing tablet with an actual screen.
sorry i didn't get this month's issue up, it was a big one, and RTX kind of broke through my original schedule, it should be up within the week, probably before late tuesday.