Heyo! Passing by to tell you guys I've opened commissions, so far I think they're at a really fair price. If you're interested send me an e-mail at astronautcarrot@gmail.com . Love you all!
For those of you who have followed me for several years, I'd like to say sorry. I haven't been active because school took me way too much time and for that reason even if I wanted to work on something I was either too tired or too busy.
I have just graduated from school and I'm currently heading to college and I hope to work on the comic more as, to be quite honest, it was really fun and I want to put a lot of dedication on it.
Thank you for being patient,
Artistic Fox/Astronaut Carrot
Ah, there’s no need to worry about it, you can’t control the unexpected. I’m glad to hear that you’re trying to regain your footing, so congratulations on graduating, welcome back, and I hope to see more of your art soon, Astro
Hey there! I have some important news for you guys, there are good and bad news, so, firstly the bad one, I will stop with the Just a girl series. Why? Well, here comes the good news, I'm making another comic, but I'm only going to post it when I'm 100% done with it so I won't have any problems with the schedule, and since I'm working on this one, I need to stop Just a girl to work on this one, sincerely, Just a girl was never that fun to do for me because I didn't have many ideas to make it and I always did something sketchy and it never ended with something I was proud of, so yeah, byebye Just a girl and hello new series! I hope you guys understand, love you all!
It's a shame to see the old series go, but reading it, knowing that you don't enjoy making it, would be infinitely less fun anyway...
I'm really looking forward to reading the new one though! ^^