Hey, everyone, It's firesama.I'm a part time web comic artist. I present you my first story, my hidden ideas, my point of view of how I see the world around me.I guess that I'll leave all the judgment to you[!] enjoy your journey !and always remember "I'm firesama ,you're firesama,we're all firesama."Meaning: I do the actual job of drawing and thinking and editing a thousand times, and you read and tell me what you think about it.Because your help I gain experience to make everyone enjoy our hard work, so eventually we are together firesama.
So without no further saying, like and share and feel free to comment! Enjoy your read!
It's a hand made manga,but I edited I't with gimp.
hello and welcome to the firesama's ship,all abroad!!!
here is some of pages in progress, filled with good stuff!!!!
but even if i enjoying,life likes to toy with me a lot ,and life has it's on will.yeah...i dont want to say!i don't like it at all,but i have a problem with mechanics this time.my computer 'decided' to crash and not upload windows.and yeah literary he's dead.but i sent it out to my brother.he's a professional in this shit,im i his hands. i don't know when I'll get it back,it could be a month and it could be a week...so let's say that it's a hiatus for now.but look on the bright side,you'll get a full chapter by the time it will be done.
for more details here's a link;https://m.facebook.com/pg/firesamasbasment/posts/?ref=page_internal&mt_nav=1&mds=%2Fedit%2Fpost%2Fdialog%2F%3Fcid%3DS%253A_I229104300897100%253A335036656970530%26ct%3D2%26nodeID%3Du_x_0%26redir%3D%252Fstory_chevron_menu%252F%253Fis_menu_registered%253Dtrue%26loc%3Dtimeline&mdf=1.
that's o.k,you were probably busy, i completely understand you,we're on the same ship i guess. and if what i did helped you keep on going,then more then happy to support and help you.