A proud 14th-Generation Tejano Native with a lineage that makes everyone else look like the immigrants.
Commonly accused of looking like the test tube offspring between Antonio Banderas and Johnny Depp.
A guy with a special fondness for corvids, especially the North American Raven.
-US Navy Veteran and Tin Can Sailor.
-Does not do subtle.
-What are these 'allergies' you speak of?
-Does not get sick.
-Oldest child in a nuclear family; jimmies will remain unrustled by saliva, vomit, excrement, urine, blood, dirt, rotting food, and sewage (you don't wanna know).
-Avid fan of thunderstorms and long drives in his truck.
-Do-it-yourselfer level: Journeyman.
-Creative solutions for practical problems.
-Massive love for huge machines - the bigger and more moving parts, the better.
-Ichiban Habu shall reign supreme for ten-thousand years.
-Blatantly Libra.
-Blatantly Monkey.
-Work mode is all work.
-Fun mode is all fun.
-Warning: friendly, open ear that may reciprocate with melt-your-face-off intensity.
-Close association will shift your paradigms and force reevaluation of perception of reality.
-You think I'm joking? You sweet summer child...Read more