Howdy! I love reading all sorts of comics and like making some of my own. I'm an artist/storyteller and also work as a part time library clerk.
(*My handle on tapas was previously "baramasala")
I recently started working on a Four Corners AU comic! It's set in university where Kazuhiro and Hideki don't know each other at first. This comic will be roughly 100 pages in length, and will probably take me awhile to make since I'm doing it on my downtime. But if you'd like to take a peek at this comic, I have a pdf available for reading for pages 1-9! Bare in mind it's a complete work in progress, but I hope you enjoy it!
Hey everyone! I know it's been such a long time, I'm so sorry to go back into another hiatus. T_T I've been very busy with life and also trying to manage my shop and juggle some other projects of mine. Every time I tell myself I'm going to work on coloring the next pages, I end up having to do something else. Rest assured the comic is still being worked on when I can manage (mostly just lining as much as I can get done) so I'm hoping by next year the comic MAY be finished with sketches. (Yes, as in the entire comic X'D) If you want to follow me on my other socials, feel free to, they are on my profile. I was also hoping on sending sneak peak/ update emails if you'd like to be notified via email, which you can check out here: But either way I'm hoping to get back to updating at the end of the year. Thanks again to everyone who's still interested! Apologies again for the hiatus! 🙏💖
I...forgot that I could post artwork on my profile page 😅Well, here's some Four Corners art (older Kazuhiro and Hideki) I drew these earlier in the month! ✨
Hi all! I wanted to make a quick announcement that I was hoping to FINALLY I've been thinking about this for about two years) put together a holiday giveaway!!! I'm still in the process of figuring out the tiers of gifts to give out and how many, but I also wanted to incorporate extra raffle tickets to those who've ever tipped on tapas sometime in the past / or if you follow me on social media. Of course these are all ideas at this point but I do really wanna make this a thing, I just have to make a proper announcement for it. I've also noticed that I've been getting more frequent ink donations and I just feel like AHH so thankful and just really wanna make it up somehow! Perhaps in the future I can have short bursts of giveaways during the year to those who donate ink, or even do sketch requests and such.
Either way, thank you all for reading Four Corners and supporting, I hope you continue to read it in the future! Thank you!
Hey guys! I wanted to let you all know that you can buy the full chapter 6 right now! Phew, took me a really long time (like 7 months or so haha) but it's available if you want to read ahead !
Hello, I am a great admirer of you for your work, I sincerely want to translate your work with your permission, I hope I can translate your projects with your permission and, of course, I will put the link to your account. and patreon and credits
Thanks for letting me know, since I am a beginner in this, I would love that in some cases you help me, every time I publish a chapter I will give you a link to the publication
Sounds good to me! Let me know what email you'd like me to reach me at, or if you want you can send me an email (address in my profile) and I'll attach the pages! ^^
Haha, well if another team comes along and wants to translate it into Spanish, I'll be sure to let them know there's already a translation. XD Good luck with the translation though!! ^^ (And let me know whenever you want the blank pages!)
I'm doing inktober (inking every day for the month) this year!! And I'm drawing a loooot of four corners art honestly haha, I won't be posting them all on here because that would be a lot of unnecessary updates, but if you want to see my progress I update my inktober stuff on my IG (@boniae) or my twitter (@cooljalebis) Thanks! :-D