I should post more here but I don't know what?
I know lots of people post streaming updates but I can't stream ):
I will try and post W.I.P when I can, would be ok?
Hi Everybody!
I recently got a part-time job, this job however falls on a Saturday, which is when I upload, so I have have set up a poll on dA - http://charlot-sweetie.deviantart.com/journal/poll/6106593/
where you can vote for which day of the week I update CAS Adventure.
But Charlotte you say, Tapastic lets you scheduled uploads so it dosen't matter!
You are correct, however deviantART doesn't let you scheduled uploads unless you pay, since I want to update everywhere on the same day (Patreon being the exception) I need to ensure I have the time to do so.
Since you guys will be reading it I would like to know what days sounds best to you, so please let me know.
Hey guys, I'm trying out doing monthly packs over on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/charlotsweetie
For just $1 pledge you get access to a bunch of free stuff including the next 4 pages of CAS Adventure right now.
Other reward tires come with free gift art and commission discounts.
Just thought I would let you know!
Hope you are having a day, if you're not, I hope it gets better.
Why I don't post many messages:
Sorry I don't post many message updates, I find Tapastics message system painful to check."blah blah shared post with their subscribers" tells you nothing about they have to say and leads to a lot of loading pages for no reason. Most of the time it's "Hey I'm steaming on..." that's cool, but it was sent while I was in bed and is over now.
Just giving messages a title to appear in the drop down list so it reads:
"Blahblah shared a post about "steaming now" with subscribers" would be a great improvement, before we view the message we have an idea if it's on interest or not.
Sorry this is out of blue, Hope you're having a good day.