Ayadin Is A Bitch
Joined May 2018 In my kingdom NOW BE GONE PEASANT
He's beauty He's grace He's so fucking great
Hi there my name is {Ayanna} but because i like to go by him he pronouns so you can call me {Ayadin} or just "Nightmare" i go by that also Scroll down and know more about me :)
Birth sex: Female
Gender identity: Genderfluid
Sexuality: Pansexual
Pronouns: Him,He / They,Them (rarely goes by she her)
Relationship Status: Single and NOT ready to mingle
Likes: Coffee,Tea,Gelato,Quiet,Books,Games,Bl,Gl,Art, Music
Dislikes: Being bothered,People in my face,Children, Myself
Religion: My friends comments (i'm a atheist)
Favorite book series: Percy Jackson, Harry Potter
Which harry potter house?: Slytherin of course duh (actually it's Hufflepuff)
Zodiac sign: Virgo/The virgin (Q~Q!)
Personality: Angered easily,Annoying,Blunt,Goofy, Quiet
Birthday: September 17
Age: 16
Bonus: I used to have a girlfriend and a boyfriend we broke, been there and done that....
Side note: There's more to know about me but those other parts of me are pretty depressing and i don't think anyone cares about that type of stuff so this is the end enjoy!
(and i don't care what you call me just don't disrespect me)
(to me love is just a word that gets thrown around to much)
And check out my series "I'm Dating My Teacher?!" on Wattpad my name is CoRrUpPeD-Ayadin :) Read more
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