This the one comic like all art dump , but with pixels and from the one and only ... COMIC CAT KID!!!!! And if you no happy with that there`s more like free art to view along with music from youtube from crazy cool youtubers . And if you like post for comic makers then you are in luck .Plus there are some novels like the poems from Comic Cats Kids OC T.K. and a story about 4 Ghost with super powers. And you can do it if like to.
P.S. This will be for others as well.
(From: Comic Cat Kid)
Hello everyone, I have to apologize for inconveniences and why I haven't posted my webcomics lately. I don't to lose all my efforts and creativity of my drawings and stories. I truly assure you all who have subscribed my comic. The stories however will be changed but I will assure you that the plots are still the same.
My condolences for delays and not posting my upcoming comics. However, to entertain yourself, you can try out Inktober. Here's my unofficial prompt I've made, or go on Inktober website for the real official prompt. It's up to you. Your choice: yes or no.