Hi guys! Just a small sketch I made for you all! I realized now that I've been drawing too much of Sen, but less of Reagan, so have both of them together in a box : -)
Hello everyone!! Thanks for staying with me all this time!!!
Right now College has been really mean to me, w/ all the papers and all that (Long Tests, Proposals, ughhhhh u name it guys). I've been trying to seam this comic in my life everyday, but since Midterms are coming soon, I think it's going to give me a hard time for awhile.
So for now, have some periodic sketches every now and then!! (like this one hehe)
Hello everyone!! I'm really sorry for the unannounced hiatus, but fear not!! I'll be updating the comic soon since I'm finally done w/ this semester <3
So have a sketch of Sen Collins while you wait huhuhu ilu so much.