Hi, Chloe! I stumbled upon your comic while just perusing through the Comics tab. I thought I'd just say that I enjoyed the comics I read and I love your art! I look forward to reading more of what you make!
OMFG So I clicked on "Publish" for yesterday's comic, then immediately went into another tab while the page loads. Turns out I forgot to enter the title so it returned an error. Didn't realise it until today. I am an idiot. 😣 It is up now.
It turns out when I scheduled my posts on Facebook, I accidentally scheduled next week's comic to come out on the same day as this week's comic (19th May). By the time I realised it, someone has already reacted to it and it was too late! So to make sure the comic schedule on all platforms stays in sync again, I guess this week is double comics week! I will publish the next comic later today and shuffle the schedule around a bit.