I kinda have a not very good announcement hehehe....
I know I haven't been active at all about 4 months in fact hehe... but I just don't have ant motivation to draw ever since 10th grade... I really don't know what had happen but drawing starts to frustrate me more now.. but it does help me cope through some stuff and who knows I might be posting soon again... I hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving with your families and thank you for supporting me and my mini comic.
oh my gosh I love you guys!!!
Thank you all for 100 subs aljflsjflsajl... I'm so exited and happy omg T^T thank you so much!!
sadly I have finals to do so I won't be able to update today... I'm so so sorry but I will come back next week!
Tell me if you have any ideas on what to do once I get back >w<b
thank you all so much for the support!!!! *hugs*
Hi! I love your comic 'Truly Ordinary'! But I just have 1 request:
I know that you're perhaps busy, but I would love it if you could update more! If you could, that'd be perfect! Thanks! :)