I've been trying to upload the new pages, but it doesn't let me and I'm going cray cray.
I've decided to open a specific blog to publish it because this is getting frustrating.
This is the blog: http://thehiveofdemons.blogspot.it/
Wow. It's been a while since I published new pages... I feel so sorry for this, school and stuff as always. I hope you'll be patient with me. I am determined, so wait for new updates ^^
Here's some kind of "promotional card" of my cinnamon roll Ren ^^
One of the boys of Black hive! (http://dyddycat.deviantart.com/art/Mizukawa-Ren-03-12-575973189)
Someting about him:
1-He's a vampire
2-He wears glasses for reading, sometimes.
3-He's the character who started this whole thing <3
4-He's usually calm and nice, he's smart and classy in some aspects.
5-It might be hard to understand how he really feels, and sometimes he just acts differently from how he really would just to hide worries.