Realization . . .
Oouger, a light blue gorisailn, and Traska, a turquoise, emo, gorisailn, were about to be changed forever. They were at truth's doorstep. Entrusting their lives in the Rock of Truth's handling. Oouger wasn't changing a lot, but Tarska already had a visible difference. Her fur was turning a light, yet vibrant purple, and her torso was lengthening upward.
Oouger no longer had messy dreadlocks though, his head hair was slick, and shaped in a hansom upward point at the front, slightly on the side, and angled to the right. His eyes became a more fierce, intense shape. His fur was becoming darker, and slightly purply as well. Are they gonna be the same colour?! Maila worried. She moved closer to them, brow creasing as she approached. Soon enough though, she realized that Oouger was really just indigo, and Tarska was fully purple. When Maila looked at Tarska, she realised something that she hadn't' before. Tarska -like Orkijace- had two bulges growing on her side! They soon became longer, and furrier. Elbows formed in them, and hands on the ends. Only, her's weren't growing behind her original arms like Orkijace's. Tarska's second set of arms were above the other ones, up on the newly raised section of her torso. Maila couldn't believe the difference between how much they were changing! Oouger had hardly changed at all, and Tarska was unrecognizable from behind. Her face however, was unchanged. This was the opposite of Oouger, who's eyes were narrower, face was thinner, and mussel more defined, with a black nose at the end of it.
Tarska and Oouger stepped away from on the rock pillar in unison. Oouger looked do n at his claws, flexed them twice and swished his tail. That's what's different! Maila realized. His tail! Pouters tail was longer (slightly longer than Maila's) and had two hook like spikes on the end; It armed to resemble a hoe with two tips. Tarska's tail however, was significantly shorter! It was just like a deer's tail. Maila strode per to them.
"Oh my-" Maila said slowly, trailing off as she extended Tarska's new arms. They were a bit smaller than her other ones. Tarska pulled them back in quickly, and folded them up close to her chest.
"She still crosses her arms," Airibone giggled unsurely. Tarska shot her a dangerous look.
"How come I stayed blue?" Oouger asked rhetorically, striding over to Obalie. Obalie pointed out the large visual change with his tail and hair, and his fur was no longer light blue, it was a deep indigo. Tarska took herself over to a dark corner, and leaned against a boulder, still crossing her top arms. Maila noticed that her original arms were no longer arms at all! They were legs. Tarska was more like a centur than a gorisailn. She adjusted her beanie hat, let out a single huff before Maila looked away.
Maila knew when and when not to go Tarska, this was a not. Instead of attempting (and likely failing) to comfort Tarska, she joined the rest of the group as they talked about what things that Oouger may be able to transform. Eventually, Airibone suggested to climb a tree to get a better view of the forest. That way, they could see more potential things to turn indigo. Maila followed as Oouger grabbed on a dangling vine, and climbed up it to the top of the tree. Airibone and Obalie were close behind her, peering around the forest for danger.
When they reached the top of the canopy, Oouger began to hop around and laugh, looking down at the leaves and branches that they were suspended on. What's he doing? Maila wondered, looking at the leaves a well. She -in her head- answered herself when she saw the leaves beneath his feet flourish with a deep, shimmering indigo. Airibone gasped, and joined Oouger a moment later. Now what's she up to! Maila saw the leaves that remained blue turn a dark shade of pink beneath Airibone's feet and hands. Before that knew it, the canopy around them was a swirling pattern of pink, blue, and indigo. Where the pink met the indigo, there was a few leaves worth of gap between the two colours.
"You know what colour those leaves probably are?" Maila asked, nudging Obalie in the arm. Their eyes made contact. "They're probably purple." Obalie looked at her with her yes widening.
"You really think?" Obalie asked curiously. Maila nodded, examining the leaves that stayed blue.
"Oh, definitely!" she ensured. "It would been these colours perfectly!" She finished, getting a great reaction from Obalie.
"I'll go grab her," Obalie volunteered, taking a step towards the gap in the canopy they made while getting up there. Maila went to catch Obalie by the arm before she left.
"Wait, she's in a really bad mood right now!" She warned. "I don't suggest going near her at the moment!" Obalie raised an eyebrow and shook Maila off. She shrugged and rolled her eyes as she darted down the tree, into to the canyon. Maila spun around to see Oouger and Airibone racing towards her! Ahh! What are they-
"Maila!" Oouger cried, diving at her. She was bound in a tight hug from both Airibone and Oouger. "Thank you SO much for this!" Maila stumbled a few steps backward under their combined weight. Airibone squeezed her so tightly, she thought that she might pop!
"Ah- Air- AIRIBONE!" she laughed, gasping for air. "Wha- What's? Ah!" She breathed as Airibone attempted to lift some pressure off of her, shifting in a way that Oouger plummeted onto her chest. Oouger apologetically stood up, and quickly began to scratch his forearm (as he did when he was embarrassed.), and glanced down at Obalie -who was now approaching Tarska- before giving her a hand up. She smiled and dipped her head to say thank you, and took his hand. He hoisted her up quickly, and glanced at Obalie again. Something clicked in Maila's brain as she realized what was going on. Airibone knew it too, they exchanged glances with raised eyebrows. I gotta try not to say anything, she planed. But, I need to drop hints for him, so he can be confident enough to say something. She made a shushing gesture to Airibone, by putting one claw over her mouth quickly. Luckily, Oouger didn't notice, he just stopped scratching his arm and turned to face them.
"Uh,"he tried. "I was going to say thank you." he walked closer to Maila. "I was wrong about not coming here." he said. "I should have just trusted you." Maila tucked a bit of hair behind her ear, and took a breath to speak. "I mean," he continued. "You're the most trustworthy gorisailn I've ever met! I know that you'd never do anything to ham us." He took a deep breath, and gazed off into the distance. "I've always trusted you. I've always trusted all of us, even Tarska." he barked laughed, and looked back at Maila. "I always will." Airibone started clapping dramatically.
"BRAVO!" she whimpered. "What a beautiful speech!" she wiped her eye, and sniffled. "OOOH! My oh my, I just can't-" she was being silly of course, but Oouger didn't find it that funny. He lowered himself through the leaves, and got ready to jump down.
"Really?" he asked, cutting her off. "I'm never sincere, and when I am, you ruin it." Airibone laughed, and gave him a thumbs up. He lifted the corners of his mouth, and leaped down.
"Oh my gosh!" Airibone squeaked, bounding over to Maila's side. "He loves her! Can you believe it!" Maila grinned wildly, and nodded as fast as her neck would allow.
"I know!" she agreed. "We've gotta do something!" Airibone beamed at her. "We should drop hints for Obalie, and let him know that she knows! But in a super secret way!" Airibone shook her head furiously.
"Yes!" Airibone's voice went so high, Maila could barely hear it. After planning out a few hints down on the canyon floor, Maila realized something that she should have realized a while ago.
"Airibone!" she gasped loudly, sitting up straight. "Silvics still hasn't changed!" Maila yelled in surprise. Airibone's eyes widened.
"WHAT!" She got up, and raced towards Silvics and Orkijace. Maila followed her at top speed.
"Silvics!" she called. Silvics shot up, and looked around quickly. She was joined by Orkijace, who was now standing on all six of her legs.
"What's going on?" she panicked, shifting on her hands. Maila shook her head, dismissing the need to worry.
"No, nothing bad has happened! Don't worry." she ensured. Silvics closed her eyes, and let out a breath of relief.
"Oh, good! You got me worried there for a second." Orkijace chimed in. Maila shook her head again, this time smiling.
"I just realized," she started. "Silvics hasn't touched the rock yet!" Orkijace raised her tail like a scorpion's.
"Ya!"she blurted. "That's true! I didn't even notice!" Silvics took a step away from them. Since she stepped backwards, she almost bumped into the pillar. Airibone raised her eyebrows at her.
"Oh! Wow, look at how eager she is!" Maila blurted, pointing at Silvics. She was joking of course, she knew that Silvics was terribly afraid to do this. Silvics blushed, and side stepped away from them instead. Obalie hurried over, Oouger right behind her.
"Oh, that's- It's okay. I- I don't need to right now." Silvics stuttered, bumping into Oouger. She flinched and looked around at everyone quickly. "No, it's really okay!" she continued. "You all didn't have to... oh gosh." Silvics was trapped, mentally and physically. The rest of them were surrounding her with wide eyes, wondering what colour she would be. Maila walked over to Silvics's side, and put an arm around her shoulder.
"Don't worry," she said comfortingly. "It all happens so fast, and after it's all over," Silvics looked up at her. "You'll have super powers!" Airibone nodded at Silvics vigorously. Silvics smiled faintly, and glanced at the pillar.
"Uh, if you say so? I mean, your alright, and you touched it." Maila smiled again, and gestured to the pillar. Airibone came over, and pressed her paw against it.
"See? It's harmless." Airibone said soothingly. Silvics beamed, and shooed Airibone and Maila aside.
"Ya! Okay!" she called. Peering around at the group. Even Tarska smiled a bit. They cleared away from her path, and watched intently. Silvics hesitated, but soon gathered up the courage to slam her fist against the stone. Silvics gasped immediately, and tried to back away from it.
"Guys! Help me! I-I-It's not! Ahh!" Maila rushed over to Silvics.
"It's okay!" she said quickly. "Just wait, you'll see." Silvics tried to smile, but the expression quickly faded.
"You didn't say how weird it felt!" she breathed. Maila's brow furrowed.
"Are you just surprised?" she asked hurriedly. Silvics shook her head. Airibone followed Maila over to Silvics, and pointed at her arm.
"LOOK!" she squealed. "Her fur!" Airibone grabbed Maila's shoulders and shook them violently. Maila shifted her head to look at Silvics's forearm, which was turning a light, forest green. The fur was growing much longer around her wrists. Her snout lengthened and pointed downward. Her muzzle shrunk, and her tail grew thicker. Two long feathers sprouted from the top of her head. Silvics spun around the second was free. She took a breath to speak, but stopped abruptly. She gasped harshly, and her eyes rolled up. What's going on, Maila wondered worriedly. Silvics's eyes glowed white, as she began to lift of of the ground! Heavy breathing was being omitted from her mouth. Obalie rushed towards her, but was held back by a mysterious force.
"Huh, huh, huh" Silvics painted, in a voice that wasn't her own. "YOU!" she shouted suddenly, thrusting her arm at Maila and Airborne. She was now about four feet off of the ground. She stopped ascending here. "I told you NOT to return!" she bellowed. Maila took a cautious step back. "He doesn't want this!" Maila glanced at Airibone, who was making her thinking face.
"Who's he?" she called. Silvics did not respond. Instead, she just continued to speak.
"I warned you! Yet, you came back! You've all made a huge mistake!" Oouger stepped in front of Obalie protectively. Obalie blushed, but she stood beside him again. They smiled at each other briefly, but soon returned their gaze to Silvics. "Now, I have to follow orders, and- well- you guess..." Silvics's eyes returned to normal, and she dropped to the ground limply. Airibone raced to her aid as a sickening snapping sound split across the air.
"What's going on!" Obalie breathed. Maila shrugged, and turned to face the pillar. Airibone was running her claws through her dreadlocks again. Tarska was backing away from the pillar hurriedly, unable to look away from it.
"Uhh," she said, pointing to the top of the pillar with one of her new arms. "We have company!" Maila followed where Tarska was pointing, and soon found out why Tarska was backing up so fast.
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