Edit: I forgot to add, over on my YouTube channel I do more in depth videos about German grammar a little while after making a comic, so you can go here to see the last one i made: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkwUWzv7rEw&t=1s
Conjugation! I considered doing plurals instead of this, but I wanted to do something more fun and grammar related so I thought it could wait. Also, I won't be going through every kind of conjugation right now. Just present tense is enough for now!
Konjugation! Ich dachte darüber nach, Pural zu machen, aber ich wollte etwas witziger und Grammatik bezogen tun, also ich dachte, es könnte warten. Auch, ich würde durchgehen nicht, jede Art von Konjugation im Moment. Nur das Präsens ist genug für jetzt!
A comic where I teach you German! German is one of my favorite languages that I've studied and I would love to help you learn it. I'll be posting whenever I can to teach you about different things in German, whether it's grammar, sentence structure, grammatical gender, pronunciation, etc!
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