Vol.3 - Fire: p.187 [READ DESCRIPTION]
Jun 23, 2018
Wanted to copy/paste my comment to some doubts expressed in the previous pages about the motivation of the Spirits! Might be useful if you're wondering WHY they act so out of logic. Here:
They had bad lives but they should have seen there are good people on Earth. This is obvious, what a logic and reasoning person would think; well, they all got MAD, they don't use this logic, and ALSO they're Gods, they basically know they're more powerful than humans and think respect was owed to them. It's like...they suffered but were also offended by what happened to them, like a dispotic king would go mad if a peasant disrespected him. No logic! That's why they're the evil part of this all: the evil here is the blind, non logic hatred. AND, for what concerns the Bear, we already know he loved humans! He had a wife and a daughter, he loved humans as much as Gimkhana or Leonidas did! So, we know for sure, by this "flashback" that they all gave actually a good chance to humans, but the difference stays in what they do AFTER the bad happening. The Lion, despite Leonidas is what it is, is wiser than the Bear, here, that's the difference between a good person and a bad person. As a writer, I want you to see how mad these Spirits-character are, in fact! You should...simpatize a bit, but it's good that you see no "logic" or stay angry at them, but I suggest anyways to read the whole story to give a global judge on everything! ^^ It'll take a while but...that's webcomics </3 the good protagonists will be somewhat and partially defeated by this hatred, that's why the comic has a bitter-sweet end, quite a partial triumph of injustice; but, on the other end, the sweet part of the ending will give importance to hope as the only "weapon" we all have left in the end!
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Okay, I really didn't like the "bitter-sweet end" part, but guess that was expected. And at least we are being given a warning...? Just, please be gentle with our hearts ;-;
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