There’s something to be said about people who write on the stalls of bathrooms, and there’s something to be said about those who read the writings. Some of what’s written maybe very thought-provoking, some is just stupid nonsense, and some are just random shit. Do thoughts tend to cross our minds when we read these statements on the stall: why they’re there, what was the “author’s” intention on writing this? And so on.
Yet this form of writing isn’t so different from a bestselling novel, perhaps less appealing to some, and often found for only a limited time; however, just like with any piece of literature, there is an audience to which the author is trying to make a connection too. And these connections are made through the types of messages written on the stall.
Many of the messages contain humor; meant for the person within the stall to have a good giggle or laugh while they’re “taking time off” from their busy day. Humor from these types of authors, almost always, tickles the funny bone of almost every toilet users in that particular stall. The authors of these messages want to bring joy into the reader’s lives; perhaps they know how hard things can be day-by-day and want to bring some joy back into the day.
Yet with these messages, the author has to remember not to be crude or “cross the line” with their words. Because even though they know that, to many, their message can be hilarious, to others it may be insulting.
Then there are the messages that contain inspirational images, these are meant to bring joy into the reader’s day, especially if that person is having a rough day and is having a difficult time making it through it. These inspirational messages can be “short-and-sweet” words of encouragement, or long explanations of why life is amazing. More inspirational messages the author may have for the reader might include a small drawing that ties in with the message or a doddle that is just to make the reader smile.
These messages the author has to incorporate several possible irritants that may be occurring in the readers’ lives; job loss, loss of a loved one/ significant other, incompletion of an assignment, event, or plans with their significant other, even something as small as waking up on the wrong side of the bed.
There are the messages that contain nothing but randomness and nonsense; these are simply meant to be just what their name entitles them, random messages. These are to be small tokens of thoughts that the author of them wanted to share with the world…in their own, slightly strange, out-of-the-way, manner. These small tic-bits of randomness can contain many aspects that are what the reader needs at that moment: humor, inspiration, encouragement, a good kick in the pants, whatever is needed at that point in time.
These messages are just another form of expression the author took, either to be noticed or because of a whim. Yet it’s with these random messages and/or drawings that, in their own ways, that can bring a little more joy in the reader’s day. Or any sort of need that may be needed at that moment.
Then there are the messages on the stall that are just huge piles of shit; these are just small notes that the author’s use to vent to others or to just be annoying and rude. To these authors, there really isn’t an audience that they are trying to reach; they just want to be heard for no real reason but to be heard. Like idiots we see driving out on the streets, they don’t care who they piss-off as long as they get to their destination in a “timely manner”.
To the readers of these messages, they’re a waste of space and usually not worth any time to read, yet are read because there often aren’t many things to do while “finishing up [our] business”. The messages can, depending on the reader at that time, make the readers feel upset, irritated, disgusted, or put in a fouler mood then they were original.
Bathroom stalls, the place where people come to find of relief during their day…and to find literature written in black felt ink on the walls of the stall. Messages of stupid nonsense, inspiration or encouragement, deep thinking, laughter and enjoyment in our day, and random shit that can piss us off. The people who write on the stalls and those who read them, all are finding a small way to make their days less uneventful, and more…descriptive.
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