Facility Quest (Interactive Inktober 2018)
Oct 11, 2018
Poll: https://twitter.com/cursecrush/status/1050301433839464449 Text: >WHY? PLANT 4: Huh? Why? Isn't it kinda obvious? PLANT 4: Being stuck to this pole... Trellis... Thing 24/7 is mind-numbing. Yeah, they do turn the TV on, but that gets old quick. PLANT 4: Believe it or not, I used to be like you. As in, not a tree, or green or anything. PLANT 4: But that was a year ago. And since then, I've just been out here..... Photosynthesizing. PLANT 4: All I want at this point is some fresh air. And the scientists won't even let me have that. PLANT 4: It's always, "Let's run a few tests first." Or, "You'll ruin your chlorophyll like that." PLANT 4: Now, I'm not a scientist guy or anything. But since I'm the one with the chlorophyll, PLANT 4: You'd think I know best whether it's stable or not. PLANT 4: And it is. Has been. For months. PLANT 1: Would you quit yapping? Some of us are trying to sleep! PLANT 4: Yeah, yeah... PLANT 4: THEY'RE also a pain to be around. PLANT 4, AKA PLANT GUY: So you gonna help me or not, handsome stranger? PROTAG: Yeah, sure. And, uh, while I'm doing that... POLL OPTION 1: WHAT WERE YOU LIKE BEFORE THIS? (6%) POLL OPTION 2: HOW DID YOU GET HERE? (47%) POLL OPTION 3: CAN YOU HELP ME? (47%)
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