Was their Sun at the evening.
Colorful men and women
Danced, and turned around that
As priests.
Everyone was watching them
Being circle
As the eyelid of their one of the gods.
Chiftein, was emerging
From chifteins road that is
Perpendicular to the fire and his dwell.
6 man holding spears made rectangle
That surrounded the chiftein,
His priests, organizators, engineers
And so on.
I was in that rectangle.
I was covered by black curtain.
I was wafted to the crowd.
Chiftein says:
“To honour of fire and skies!!!!!”
Dance stopped.
Then chiftein says:
Dear public,
So interesting things are happening.
From beyond the dreams of
From vastest parts of the one sky,
The part of that, fell to the ground!
Voices and murmurs showed that
They were shoked.
Chiftein continued:
“There is so absolute unknown
In this moving rocky creature
As beyond this black curtain.
Don’t be scared, it is under our
Holy crown and organization
Will protect you if anything be wrong.
Instead be suprized.”
Priest opened the blackeness
That surrounded me.
At the same time he shouted:
“There is tile piece of the sky!!!!”
Public raised their arms and hands,
Jumped and danced
Drums played:dum dum dum dum
Dum dum dum dum dum dum dum
I waved my two hands
And raised my arms to up happily
For saluting them
Rectangle I was in
Walked towards to the big cult.
It was the 4 meters tall old statue.
Chiftein shouted:”Supreme one”
Everyone shouted:”We promise to
One priest held my shoulder,
Pulled me down.
Than showed me how to kneel down
To divine
As hands of the supreme one,
Priests made rites on me,
Poured salts, food on me;
In order to supreme one to eat me.
Then the feast,
Two man holding spears sat
Next to me.
Some people danced, some people
Ate, drank various things.
They offered me foods and drinks,
That I wasn’t able to eat.
Because, I don’t have a mouth,
Tongue that humans have.
Especially, I don’t need them.
Because, I was designed to supply
My energy need from, light and heat
Very efficiently and storing them lot.
So laziness is enough for survival.
So I feel fulfilment in need of energy.
Also,it is same in need to matter.
By be designed to not lose mass.
So there is not need to matter I feel.
As metallic robots of your society.
Men and women, were begging to
Eat and drink.
I refused the offerings by pulling
With my right hand gently.
Which is the behave of fullfilment.
Men and women talked to me,
Shoked, suprized, astonished to
Beautiful women and handsome men,
Ate and drank happily,
Happiness to their fulfillment of needs
So their mouth chanted the,
Gratitutes to the powers of the nature
That I couldn’t understood.
Beautiful dancing woman
In colorful dress
Raised me to dance.
I holded the beautiful hand.
I raised.
I danced.
Men and women
Made turning nested circles
Around the fire,
Shoulder to shoulder
Bouncingly danced
As halay.
Drums were grumbling.
Winded insturmant were voiced.
Metals were clanging.
Different voices were covering
The dance.
We turned around the fire fastly.
Were only meanings I got
From that organization.
Next day I was kept busy,
With experiments on me as
My first day.
Sometimes, hallucinating pictures
Sounds, spiritual activities,
Sometimes,measurement of
Physical properties.
I ran on the racetraks.
Jumping on barriers,
Crawling in tight tunnels,
Running to any direction,
Even swimming in dirty swamps,
And so on day and night,
For sake of their knowledge.
Behaviour tests,
Reaction tests to music, gas, smell,
Even they asked voluntarily to touch
Excessive hot and energetic FİRE!!!!!
And so on day and night,
For sake of their knowledge.
Every every day!!!!! Continously!!!!!!
I was 1.80
I carried 500kg mostly.
I ran 50 meter per second mostly.
I jumped 3 meters high, mostly.
In long jump, 9 meters mostly.
They also knew that I was so elastic.
I had a capacity to do physical things,
Little bit higher than humans,
That can’t increased or decrased,
Certainly by,
My body, as a robot.
Chiftein amazed from these results,
Higher physical capacity was,
Dash to his ego.
Chiftein said to his men:
“Tomorrow, strongest man will
Make stick fight with our,
Tested creature!
Everyone will know who has
The power to keep
His acts to fight!!!!!!”
Tomorrow on the square of
Amusement, normal stick fight match
Was started to begin in
Same way as usual to them.
On straight and hard gray stone plate,
Sticks longer than us clashed.
Sticks longer than us,
Bumped as swords.
Sternght of the competitor,
Was felt by my stick.
Fleeing and attacking,
Man turned fastly around me
And hit me from back.
Shake and rage to go back
Pleasure from fight, as a wild flame.
Hitting with sticks,
I was in physical pain,
From bites of the sticks
Chiftein was happy from support to
His ego.
Than I realised that
If I use my capacity full
I can pass my competitors capacity,
So I can win him easily.
That’s what they expected from me.
Therefore they are fearing fron me
I thought.
I was in the battlefield.
I can’t escape from it
Because of men holding spears.
There was only
Winning and loosing.
Other posibilities are avoided by
Men holding spears.
Loosing was unchoicable,
So I choosed to win immediately.
Using my full capacity was
The key now.
Choice induced me to use that.
Suddenly I started to hit
His arm and stick continously.
Fastly, hardly, continously
With my full capacity.
This was the only way for me to win.
My rivals arm was bleeding with reds.
His hands were shivering.
I felt some remorse to do that,
But it was defending myself to loose
In mandatory physical hot war.
I hit his hip suddenly
With my whole power and rage.
Man fell to the ground.
I ran fastly and took his stick quickly.
Men standed up quickly, but
Became beaten by an alien quickly.
His body was bleeding,
In 5 hits he fell to the ground.
Public cheered loudly,
They made their dance instead of
Clapping again.
I raised my arms with two sticks.
Happiness of my ego was my curtain.
Chiftein, was in
Negative silent astonishment.
Drums said:Dum dum dum dum...
Experiments continued,
Made me busy,
I had limited time to think and do
What I want.
But, I decided not to leave, because
For sake of collective dance,
I wanted to rule this village.
Therefore, I choosed to stay here.
Instead of more struggle to leave and
Enter, staying was better.
In passing time,
Amount of experiments decreased.
In straggly time,
I was followed by a man
Holding spears.
At evening, I joined to
Feasts and dances
On day time;
Walking in and around the village,
And followed by man holding spears
Amount of experiments decreased
More more more
Finally they ended.
I was thinking, meditating and
Investigating the nature.
Man holding spears,
Looked me all time.
In one case when I was looking
To the moving blue ant, one man
Holding spears looked and stared
To me. Than I looked to up.
I saw the same staring
Black brown face.
Than I moved some right,
I moved more more more.
The man was in his same position.
Than I touched him with my finger
By being stinker to him.
He was still in his same position
As a statue.
In one afternoon,
I was bored,
I didn’t know what to do
I bored from that reason.
I sat under the apple tree
That near to the meeting area.
I sat down, squated down,
Turned my hands around themselves.
I breathed in and out in and out
As the result I realised that
I was the flowing moments.
The life, the self.
I became calm and happy.
Happiness was my sky.
Colours were my sight.
Even anybody made noise
I was still calm.
Meditation is one of the source of joy
That enlightens us.
Continuous satisfaction, was the
Flash of enlightment
That illuminated my brain for hours.
But I had will to think
And do something.
My fundamental goals reappeared.
This ended my meditation.
That’s why satisfaction is
Not continuous to all of us.
I had time so,
I thought thought thought.
I had will to power.
So I thought about how to be ruler.
I didn’t have any physical superpower
As deities,
And chance to invent a miraculous
Tool, spell or spiritual technique to
Become like a superhero.
Maybe I didn’t know my chance.
But I continued to think.
I found that individual is weak.
If I add 2 weaks I can get
More stronger thing.
So I decided to create a group that
Helps me to gain power.
This needs communication.
But language was the barrier.
So I started to understand them
And help them to understand me.
I investigated their pictures on walls,
Statues, decorations in hours per day
By looking, touching, smelling...
I also looked to tools of the priests,
I only had interesting experiences
Not meanings in their organization
Meanings were the rabbit hole
I was going to jump into.
I also started to work with them.
First I worked in limestone shaper.
Short, certain, fast commands
Which I understood in couple of
Days, making foremans angry.
And long hard tough work.
In a brown house; inside is yellow and
Smooth with limestone,
We used simple sharp metal tools,
To converting defect rock to
Perfect brick, than shaping that
In order to create tools and statues.
Fricting sharp metals for hours
That’s the only thing I could done here
Than I worked in leather shaper.
In his brown house,
We tool the given or stored leather,
Cut it by knife, bonding them by
Elastic dry leaves(pine leave mostly).
We sometimes coloured these
By given dyes.
Working area was cool, but lonely
All day.
So leather shaper was alone too.
He gave commands kindly,
He behave gently to me.
We talked when we worked.
He teached some concepts and
Their language by pointing(learned
From me).
But way of talking
That was the all case.
We chatted when we worked.
He complained from his situation
Sometimes. He said:”They have lots of leather nowadays, so they leave me. But,I am their only leather giver. They will understand one day that They need me. That’s my motivation To work for them. They are still Getting my leathers, recognize it.”
Man holding spears watched and
Followed me as moving brown statues
Every evening I enjoyed the meetings
Especially the dance.
Than sleeping in village’s
Couple of days later I worked with
Food shapers.
We took the given
Meat, fruit and vegetables
And shaped them accroding to
Their tradition for sake of organizing
Peoples energy in true way of
Tradition! Not chiftein,TRADİTİON!!!!!!!
We cut, sliced, grated, mixed, blowed
Even spelled the food.
We cooked them(not all) in different
Forms then people enjoyed what we
Made every evenings that I enjoyed.
Some days later I joined to hunters.
On morning, we entered into forest.
Calmness from getting up was my
We walked in dark greens, under the
Vast blue curtain. Air was cool and
Some foggy on very close to ground.
Man holding spears walked with
Courage and confidence coming
From their experiences.
Twich, snap, fast falling leaves...
A pray of the village.
4 meters tall purple smooth skined
He or she attacked us instead of
Fleeing, with long hornes and large
Lizard like mouth that has
Sharp teeth.
With four legs Pwhaka jumped
Towards us.
We made a semicircle and hit the
Pwhaka with spears strongly.
Some moment later Pwhaka
Made his mouth closed to me
Opened it then....
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