Everybody was in shock,
Revolutionaries were in positive,
Priests and supporters of the chiftein in negative way.
For benefiting from that moments of shock
I shouted:”Throw all your knives to the priests you see!”
I and some from my side could throwed,
Others were in shock.
As the result of freezing power of the shock,
Many priests(who were not or slightly in shock were targeted more)
Were found fainted in the tent.
But they continued to attack us
In more anger and power.
I saw people in the tent,
Plundering what chiftein had.
Jewelleries made of valuable minerals,
Enchanted tools, crystals in bright and clear colours…
They smelled the danger waiting them.
There were 13 enemy priests left in the tent.
Trying to protect them.
Because of not powerful in enchanting,
Weakness weakened the revolutionaries.
Lio shouted:”Men and women, protect me for a moment, please!!!”
Revolutionaries came closer to me.
I came closer easily to the fainted body of the chiftein,
By fighting close to it usually after I fainted it.
I took the wand and cap, coloured with feathers
(Not a hat and seems very similar to Red Indian chifteins cap)
Of the chiftein.
So tradition made me chiftein
Illegaly from surface,
Legaly from deep.
Lio said:”Men and women, please set aside.”
Now I was with tradition supporter priests
Face to face, eye to eye.
Lio said with his full loud:
“Dear priests,
Now I am your chiftein.
People see behind me
Now exploiting what we have in our tent
The tent of your loved chiftein!!
And they are leaving you with me.
This shows how they are fearing from us!!!
They are just families as families of us,
But they are only exploiting you!!!!
Peharps they manipulated you a lot.
Did you see those people I mentioned?
If not look vey carefully.
This is evidence of what I and will say.
Those families I mentioned,
Are absolutely cowards!!!
If they are doing that,
They have nothing to give you.
So it is absolutely impossible that
They can benefit you.
They have nothing.
So they labour you by manipulation,
So you feel pressure and they got the all.
They even have nothing to tell you,
So your value is nothing fort hem,
They have nothing to give value to you
That can done by just speaking.
You see our hope to get rid from
The regime by our oppression you see.
There is still hope, nothing to fear.
Those families are nothing beyond hunger.
We are the evidence of change.
So we can beat them together as easy as
Opening our eyes!!!!!
Stallion, go to the barrack and say to spear holders
I am the chiftein and chiftein says
Come and bring more support here!
As you see priests, I am the chiftein!”
Stallion went immediately to the barracks.
6 in 13 priests joined to us,
Just by my speech, they said me after that
By they others listened me, because of
Secret spell war in ruling class that
Started to create big flashes in different colours.
Instantly, some spear holders and lots of armed workers
Marched to the tent.
They said:
“Comrade Lio
We fainted who were in the building.
Organizators are surrended to us.
They are fainted and under the view of our spear holder.”
Lio:”All right comrades.
Revolution is still continuing.
Continue to struggle for heaven on surface with us.”
Some time later
Stallion marched with men holding spears to the tent.
Powerful priests screamed fear and hate. Explosions caused earthquakes.
More people became fainted.
Than Stallion:”On guard soldiers, in front of our new leader.”
Men holding spears shouted:”Yes our hero. We are waiting
Your orders Comrade Lio!”
Lio:”For revolution we need more strenght strenght strenght!!!
You have the strenght right! This is not a rhetoric remark.”
Men holding spears shouted:”Absolutely yes, Comrade Lio!”
Lio:”You see we are fighting with ruling class.
For winning that fight our muscles, spears and attention isn’t enough!!
Because of enemys intelligence and imagination.
If you are worrid, no problem.
We can gain something that our enemy can’t gain.
Do you want to know what is it?
Collective imagination comrades, collective imagination
Now people who are fighting me must hear all these.
First, don’t put limits to yourself,
Than, believe that your dreams are facts more than children.
After that, with all love you carry bond to each other
Finally, splutter yourself, your energy with your full capacity.
Be creative, be faithful, be realistic, be brave, be actor
But most importantly,
Be actor as a showman, be scenarist as a deity, be lovely as whole!!!!”
Stallion:”Comrade Lio, everyone is attacking priests as public.
They will faint, even die immediately.
Lio:”They are absolutely motivated and integrated one.
You will see first time that a group of people’s action of spell.”
Stallion:”I understood. Magic. The power of unexpectable.”
Lio:”And expectation itself.”
Stallion:”I liked your speech. Motivative and persuasive. How soldiers are
Happy, hopeful and faithful now.”
Stallion:”Earthquake again and again. Lightning, fire, rays. I see fire flying on people. What can we do Lio?”
Lio:”Wait optimistic”
Stallion:”I scare from that burning of our comrades, please do something.”
Lio:”Spell, collective spell. This is only powerful weapon we have now. Don’t
Got feared from the colour of a cat. Instead be sure about that scary cat will catch the
Stallion:”I scare from extensive hot and cold energy fields. I am feeling that.
I know these man more than you, so I can sense what they feel.”
Lio:”So this is harsh war, but wait optimistic.”
Stallion:”How angry and fearing the thunder is. Under this close tent,
Choking smell of the smoke. Bright red is fearing me.”
Lio:”This is sign of our success. If they were not desperate, they wouldn’t
Attack in that rage and power, becouse of their ego.”
Stallion:”You are great thinker comrade. This revolution is great show of it.
I want to know that how you are sure about our victoy?”
Lio:”Comrade Stallion, I am a thinker yes; but this revolution is just
An attempt of freeing the will and collective dance by using different energies.
I am sure about their success,”
Stallion:”Why? Why you are laughing?”
Lio:”hahhaha They are using more power when we collapse their ego
More and more. Their main power is fear and hate. Those powers corrodes human.”
Lio:”Power gives ego, ego gives high opposition and that causes fear and hate.
You don’...”
Stallion:”Look people are burning. Priests flamed the public.”
Lio:”I sense high energy of love there. In fact it is light sphere not fire.
But priests are burning in orange angry fire in pain, hate and fear.”
Stallion:”Lio, why you didn’t done anything! Look, our comrades are dissapeared.
Priests are burning and dissaperaing too. Lio, please say the fact. Is it a dead trap.”
Lio:”We burned ourselves, so we will continue to burn what we made.”
Lio walked to the light ball and dissapeared in there.
Stallion:”Lio! Lio! Where are you?”
I saw pure yellow white bright light and people moving in the light.
I was walking on marble road. I felt love and happiness
Light became denser and powerful.
Suddenly I felt dizzy. I saw only turning background of light.
Than, absolute darkness of nothing.
I saw clapping elite people wearing red gown. They were clapping and cheering
Loudly:”Comrade Lio!” continuously and fast. I was in a building as
Great Hall of People in China. When I looked up I saw the red sun that
Had rays going out and same
Colours with growns of the elite.
In the center there was a yellow sun that had rays too.
All them were in the black dome coloured with clear colours of stars
As in my first moment of my life.
I had nothing except all I told to you.
Voices were formed to absolute silence.
No feeling, no touch, no taste, no nothing.
I woke up to previous chiftein’s tent.
I was lying on the bed of chifteins.
Herhaktes(leatherer):”Lio, how are you?”
Hedu:”Comrades! Lio is awake!”
Stallion, Herkum and Abgoc ran immadeitaly to me.
Spear holder Joh near to me:”Comrade Lio is well. You can talk with him.”
Stallion:”Comrade Lio, when you were fainted; we
Followed the pathway of the exploitive families.”
Abgoc:”We searched everywhere we could,
Went everywhere we could.
We fainted what we found.
We found out that exploiting families and priests
Were hiding under the village till the beginings.”
Herkum:”Even they were powerful in spell and belief,
We fainted them all.
We had great power by synergy, source of collective spell
So they loosed very easily.
We reached what they hide,
So we reached more the hiddens such as
Secret history, mass murders, fake socialist rebellions and reigns
Programming children, satanism, fake voting, and for avoiding resistence
Rapid changes in cycle of violence…”
Stallion:”They are also under the view of
Our spear holders.
We inspected all the village as an army.
We have everthing that owned by anyone in our village.
Every priest and people who are dangerous for the new order,
Expelled from our bureaucracy, and under the view of the spear holders.
So we won the revolution.”
Lio:”Did I done anything that caused any bad thing, emotion?”
Stallion:”We can’t be sure about that, even so we love you.”
Lio:”Really? Is it for obedience show?”
Herkum:”You are our comrade, friend.”
Lio:”Is sky still dark?”
Stallion:”Yes, same as begining of the rebellion.”
Lio:”Jwei, go to the drummers and say that
Chiftein wants all drumers to create same music as in
Lio’s propoganda in loudest amount.”
At absolutely extremely late night,
The village rumbled with voice
“Lio! dum dum, Lio! dum dum, Lio! dum dum…”
Public heaped up in a square,
Where evening feasts happens,
In time.
When Lio appeared on
Flat roof of the house looks to the
Accumulation of the public.
Drumers speeded up the music.
Public cheered excessively.
When I made metal pipe
Close to my mouth for
Increase the volume of my voice
Music stopped immediatley.
Public stopped to cheer immediately.
Lio started loudly:
“Dear Comrades,
For dancing collectively
For making ourselves free at the same time,
We fought bravely,
Our oppresive and exploitative
Also we fought with hidden authorities.
We won all of them in this long night.
That’s the source of all the luck
You will gain from us, because this created us.
As the result, I have the absolute power.
I am the ruler. I am the chiftein. I am the leader.
Please don’t forget that I am your comrade and friend.
But please know that, I am the owner of everything
In this village.
So you don’t even need to think about your property.
So government can have real absolute power.
We will give you what you need.
We will heal you, if you are sick.
Even we can teach how to heal yourself and others.
No taxes, but no fee.
Instead, your life for free.
From now on, you can choose your job,
With your colleages and chief of the job so
You will decide with us what you are doing in your day.
Remember that, working hours can’t pass 8.
After your work, no showmans and physcocafes to
Distract you. Do what you want!!!!”
Public cheered.
Lio continued:
Pressure of tradition is ended.
Any kind of physical and hard emotionaly pressure
Is abolished.
You will go to schools and be able to reach our knowledge.
Than as in school times, do what you want.
Life will be a game children,
Our fun in heavens.
Think free, do free, imagine free
These are your tools that you will us for
Building the next generation comrades!!!”
Public cheered, children cheered more.
Drums said:”Lio! dum dum…”
Lio:”We won the biggest cause of our misery.
So why not living in satisfaction and love.
That’s the heaven on the surface.
So musicians, play the music in most beauty and fun!
Let’s start the party!!!!!”
Music played beyond tradition. I made hip hop dance on the roof,
Everyone started to dance and cheer,
Except the soldiers because of suppliance of our security.
So they joined us in turns.
After I danced, I ran and jumped into the public.
Public carried me and throwed me up and down.
We had feast, we ate and drank lot.
Lots of “Cheers!”
And dance, as polka and halay.
I danced with them.
Flow of fun, joy, happiness, pleasure.
People made artifacts, played their artifacts for our fun.
Art beyond the tradition fully accepted.
Youth tasted the pleasure of freedom in creating art.
When I looked this dance I saw many individuals
Dancing and saying what they want.
I also saw a massive collective individual,
Dancing and saying what it want.
Individual bonded to others with love and joy.
That made us one as absolute dark sky.
That was the ghost of socialism that Marx told,
That danced till the rise of the red sun.
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