Hey y'all, long time no see since the last comic, and now we're back with something a little longer !
ASHORE has been in my head for a while (some people might recognize it as my 'ghost boy' serie of illustrations I did at the start of 2017, that prompted the whole story). I'm still experimenting in term of comics, but I hope you'll find the ride interesting, and that you'll enjoy learning about this mysterious 'ghost boy'.
Also, if you want to give me a little hand while I draw part 2, you can buy me a ko-fi at ko-fi.com/K3K47OK8 ✨
If you want to see some occasional sneak peak of the process, I regularly post some things on my instagram stories (@pistachel !)
and if you want to see the old 'Ghost Boy' illustrations, you can see them all on my tumblr at tinyurl.com/yd5edcao ✨
People say that the beach is haunted, and that it has been for a while now. Some say they spotted 'him' on the pier, others ankle deep into the icy cold water; in the middle of a stormy night on the boardwalk, or in the noisy crowd of beach-goers, seemingly unseen by others. A sailor with no boat, and nothing to his name but the clothes on his back and this strange, surreal sweater that mirrors the state of the sea.
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