As we know, crafters' life is hard to stay alive. Everyday of their lives has constantly problems such as mobs nearing them at night to kill, search food to guarantee that they will live for some days. For them, It's called real life, a huge world which hasn't have an end. One day someone finds a new species or the most dangerous is seeing a new mob. Recently a new species showed up called Phantom. Phantoms are creatures which show up when someone didn't sleep at least three days. Other example ghost accounts, such as Herobrine, Entity_303 or Null, who wants to bother crafters' day chasing them and destroying. That's the reasons that no one can survive if that person is living alone. Since The Server Squad has 5 people, every each crafter has a skill which the rest doesn't have. I stop explaining this and I will continue telling the story of our heros.
Server Squad left the place where they were staying a night to continue their journey. It has been six hours since they left the village. PassioPer was the one who was leading their friends to the next place. DarkOranges was reading a book while Axxex01 (Annie) was talking with DJCraftera and MirrorBrine. Dj was the one who was grabbing all the stuff from all because Passio was holding the map. Mirror looked to Dj while he was talking to Annie, after some minutes he grabbed DJ's shoulder. Dj saw Mirror waiting for a answer ''Do you need help? Holding all the items will make you suffer back problems''.
Then Dj stopped and left the items on the floor ''If someone wants to grab those items, you can do it now''. DarkOranges stopped reading and he kept the book on his inventory, he came up and picked up six items and he put on his inventory ''I will pick up the heaviest things, Annie you can take the rest''. Annie followed his order and she took the rest thing which was on the floor. Passio was looking at them while he was studying all the map to avoid leading them lost ''Okey guys, I am seeing a town near us, we will arrive in one hour''.
Mirror grabbed Dj's backpack ''Okey Passio, lead us. Dj sorry but I don't want to see you with back problems. Let me carry this'' he smiled and started to walk. Dj didn't say a word and she followed Mirror. Annie was talking to DarkOranges about weapons.
After a whole hour walking, they arrived to the town. It's called Woodslake. It has a population of about six thousand inhabitants. Woodslake has a lot of neighbourhoods and some parks to spend the time. Server Squad looked each other. Annie walked a few steps ''We need to tent near the town''. Passio found a clearing for camping, he pointed and the group started to make the tents. Some minutes later, Annie asked DarkOranges and DJCraftera to go the Woodslake to get some information. Dj and Dark went to the streets, which was lively. A lot of little kids were playing games, some people were at the markets to buy food. Dark looked everything, suddenly a little kid who had red hair with two little ponytails grabbed his pants.
-''Are you an elf?''-she asked with a lively eyes-
-''Uh yes, I am''-Dark answered-
The little girl started to run away and screaming with joy sayin ''I have seen an elf!''. Dj started to laugh and she surronded her arm to Dark's shoulder ''Now you're popular I guess''. They started to walk to find a shop. Dj saw a little shop called Mythologies , both of them were curious and entered to the shop. The shop had a lot of bookshelves with spolied books and a few of them were on the floor. Dark moved a little and he saw a old man sitting on a coach cleaning a book's cover, when Dark made a step the man looked at him and he got up.
-''Welcome to my shop''-he said- ''What do you need?''
Dj and Dark looked each other and Dj came up to him, she put her hands on the desk.
-''Do you have books realted to Destroyers?''-she asked-
The old man's glasses fell to the desk, he had a horrible feeling and he picked up the glasses again.
-''Why do you need that kind of books?-he asked- ''Is it for a class project?''
-''No, It's personal''-Dark commented-
The old man started to look for books, after some minutes he came back with two books. They were a bit spolied.
-''I have this two, Notch used them''-The man told them-
-''Notch?''-Dark asked-
The man closed a window to avoid someone listening to them.
-''When the fight started Notch wrote some books in case of he dies''-he explained- ''But if you need them, pick them''
-''Thanks man''
Dj and Dark went outside, when the man saw the crafters going out he entered to a room and before to dissapear, he pulled out scythe.
Dark and her friend went to the tents and Passio was eating bread. Mirror and Annie were playing a quizz to distract. Dark left the books on the grass and Dj sat next to his brother. Mirror grabbed one of the books ''Did you go to a shop?'' he asked. Dj pulled out her bow to fix some things ''Yeah, he was too kind''. Dark entered one of the tents.
Annie grabbed the sencond one and started to read ''Woah that's Notch's hand writing'', she looked at Mirror ''It's real''
The night was comming, and something wrong was near. The group were sitting in front of the fire. Passio fell asleep next to Mirror. Mirror was letting Passio uses his legs to put his head. ''Awww your brother is so cute DJ'' Annie said to Dj, she blushed a little bit ''He looks like my mother''. Dark was writting something when he heard some mobs near. Dark went out and he looked everyone.
When he was about to ask, a huge explosion appeared on Woodslake, from afar they could see crafters screaming. Mirror looked everyone ''Guys these people need help!'' he pulled out his sword. Dj took her bow and arrows, Passio woke up and he looked. Annie grabbed an axe which took from a old house. Dark pulled out his sword.
-''Let's help them!''-Annie said-
Everyone started to run into the town ''SERVER SQUAD GO!'' they shouted. They started to fight with Phamtons, Skeletons and everything who is on their way. Dj climbed a wall and she started to shot every mob into their heads. Mirror and Annie were fighting to let people scape. DarkOranges was helping crafters to hide.
Suddenly a skeleton shot Dj on her face, Annie ran to help her and she killed the skeleton. ''Thanks Annie'' Dj smiled to her. Mirror with his hand killed twelve mobs at the same time, Passio was helping to Mirror to save these people. Dark was trying to kill phamtons but Dj shot them to help him.
They were fighting for half hour when a group of crafters with weapons help them to end the attack. When every mod died, Annie sat on the floor because she was too tired to move. Dark was helping children to calm down.
The boss of the twon came up to the players, he was a bir injured and he was with some crafters ''Are these guys who defended the town?'', Passio looked at them. The man came up to the group ''Thanks for helping us... we will owe you a favor''
-''It's not a problem sir''-Dj said-
-''We are here to stop Herobrine and his mates''- Annie explained to them- ''We are sick of his attacks''
One of the crafters had a palid face and he put his hands on his mouth ''Stop?'', Annie looked at him. Dj went with them.
-''We need to end this madness that Herobrine has created''-Explained Dj-''We are Server Squad, and we want to help everyone. Although our weakness are noticed, we won't give up''
The inhabitants of Lakeswood heard Dj's opinion.
-''Don't worry people of Lakeswood, we will be here to help everyone!''-Passio talked-
The boss commanded Server Squad to go to the square. Passio, Mirror, DJ, Annie and Dark went to the square and they sat down. The man showed them a white screen. ''Okey, first of all you need to know what's happening...'' he pressed a little square and it showed news.
''A crafter has been dissapeared from Merowa after Entity_303's attack''
''The town of Merowa has been attacked by one of the menber of Destroyers, Entity_303. Researchers don't know what are the causes of the attack. Merowa was one of the safest places from the world, some inhabitants told us that Entity_303 was looking for a player 'I was at the shop when Entity showed up in the main square and he drew up to a group of little kids which a young girl who was explaining a story' said Tnytogam , 'I was walking when this man pushed me to a wall shouting to a girl' said Oppentyhappen. We didn't know who was the crafter until a man called Darknessbow explained 'He was looking for my friend SpyerGriefer, she wrote a book called Myths. Maybe Entity_303 wanted to kill her...' he said.
For now we know this girl is the one who has been dissapeared. Some crafters saw her running into woods and no one saw her since the attack''
They were shocked. Annie covered her mouth with her hands, Passio was flipping.
-''Oh no...''-Mirror said-
-''We have a HUGE problem, the crafter is kidnapped!''-Dj shouted-
Meanwhile, in a room, Herobrine was grabbing Spyer's hair, she was bleeding.
-''Will you obey me bastard?''-he asked-
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