I know I have uploaded this up on my page before.. but I wanted to show how much I appreciate all the support and love this webcomic has been getting! Also my support page is up!! https://tapastic.com/support/riadoodles
I will be forever grateful and will do my best to get all my goodies out to you all!
Also I will have Zine 2 up soon.. But I would also like to announce that my friend Windy put up their Gayliens! comic as well! (which is where Zine 2 takes place ohoho) http://tapastic.com/episode/127767
The adventures of a pink haired alien named Frankie!
(Gayliens! are a bunch of stories and characters that my friends and I all come up with together!! My friend Windy is working on a separate comic with our characters as well!)
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