Corwyn frowns, his stomach turning. "Do you maybe want to... go home? It's okay if you don't want to hang out anymore."
This knocks Isra out of his thoughts, his family the last thing on his mind. "No, no, sorry. I kind of wanted to go to the tent of mirrors? But we can leave if you want to."
The two passed the tent earlier and it looked interesting, but there were too many people.
Corwyn's grin returns and both boys shed the dark atmosphere of the previous tent. Corwyn reaches for Isra's hand to lead the way, but hesitates. Should Corwyn risk becoming even more attached to Isra if the man is just going to leave him?
Isra sees Corwyn's hesitation, and so he makes the decision for him. He grips Corwyn's hand tight, and he can't help but feel as if it's the best place to be.
Corwyn feels his hope spark inside his chest, ignited by Isra's hand in his own. Corwyn decides that he wants to cherish every moment that he has with Isra, not wanting to worry about when the last moment he'll see him will be. With that, he grins wide, wearing his happiness like a banner for all to see.
Corwyn leads them through the maze of tents excited, and soon they stop at a tent. From the outside, it isn't very remarkable, identical to all the other tents, but when they walk inside, they're met with a maze of their own reflections.
Isra looks at Corwyn through his reflection, and keeps his grip firm, afraid that they'll lose each other in their facades.
The flap in the tent behind them shuts, disappearing, secluding them inside the tent of mirrors entirely.
"Come on, let's try and find if there's another way out."
Isra only shakes his head fondly as Corwyn leads him to the wall, pressing on each in turn.
"Do you think one of them opens?"
"I mean, it would make sense." Corwyn bites his lip. "I hope they didn't just trap us in here."
The two share a look, before pressing more frantically against the mirrors than before, hoping that one of them will open up.
The next mirror does just this, as Corwyn and Isra press onto it and it gives way, causing them both to flop to the ground. They land with a thud side by side, hands still entwined, the breath knocked out of them.
Isra lifts his head to look at Corwyn, making sure he's okay, when the boy bursts out into giggles. Isra flops his head to the ground, unable to help himself as his own laughs escape.
Corwyn looks at him, pausing and his eyes sparkle.
Isra notices this, and pauses as well. "What?"
Corwyn blinks and shakes his head. "Nothing... I just— nothing."
Corwyn pushes himself up and helps Isra up soon after, and the two finally look around the room that they stumbled into. This room is just like the other one, surrounded entirely in mirrors.
The room falls dark as the door they entered through closes, the only thing lighting up the room being the night sky.
Isra knows that it isn't night outside, unless they've managed to lose hours while inside the tent, but he can't quite explain how they've managed to capture it besides magic.
The stars twinkle above them, and the moon passes as well, everything sped up.
Isra looks at Corwyn, who's looking back and smiles. He takes both of Corwyn's hands in his own and says, "I don't think I've been this happy in a while. Maybe ever."
Corwyn intakes a breath, and he squeezes Isra's hands. This is the happiest both of them have ever been.
Suddenly, Corwyn's face goes devoid of all emotions. "Isra?"
Isra's eyes lift to the mirror in front of him, and seeing his own reflection, he realizes there's blood running from his nose.
He places his hand to it, not believing it's real. "Corwyn?"
Isra's eyes roll back into his head, and his body starts to fall, but Corwyn does his best to try and catch him.
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