'The Angel And The Little Scroll'
The light around Phanuel's head grew brighter, like the sun, exposing the many crowns that rested upon his head that were first invisible; one for each of Phanuel's many faces, of which he was master of. The Seven Eyes belonged to the Seven Faces, as did the Seven Crowns, of which the Seven Horns also belonged to. Even still, there were more that were unseen, not exposed to the Light yet.
Phanuel: You Acknowledge My Face, In All Its Forms, As Many Forget To Do, And So I Acknowledge Yours, In Each Of Their Forms.
There would be a crown for each of them that would part from Phanuel's own and go to each Face of Kairo Tensei's that was in correspondence to Phanuel's own, from each Height and Breadth. They would be forever locked to Phanuel and his many Faces. With his own hand upon the Little Scroll of the binding Oath, given them by Michael, who had kept the Oath since the beginning, Phanuel would firmly grasp the Little Scroll in his hand.
Phanuel: There Is Still More. The Key To The Shaft. This Scroll... The Holy Text... Is The Key That Both Opens And Locks At The Same Time.
Phanuel's face became very serious and very grim very quickly, as he would open and extend the Little Scroll after the first Five Seals had been breached to unlock the physical part of the scroll. The text of the Scroll would extend outward, the paper being as long as a heavenly chain, and glowing with the splendor of God. All of God's Word at that point, written and unwritten, as well as in the process of being written, would be shown upon this scroll that suddenly extended out into the cosmos, down into the universe within Abaddon, the Headless Horseman. Then, they would all witness one of Phanuel's Faces upon the actual Text itself; one of his many Hidden Faces that none could see at all unless he chose to reveal them. Upon entering Hades, or Hell, it would bind itself upon Abaddon's body from the inside and keep him from collapsing from being feasted upon by sin from the inside out. It would become like his bone structure, and support the inside of his body to ensure that the universe did not cave in on itself and destroy all that was inside that was sinning and eating away at its body.
Phanuel: This Is The True Breadth Of The Body Of Your Grandfather. And Soon, You Will See The True Extent Of Mine.
Phanuel's face immediately shifted to that of the Face of the Lion, and he roared, "SUBMIT TO THE LAND AND TRIUMPH OVER THE SEA" to the one that stood before him, reading along the Little Scroll with him. The Earth would open up its mouth to the Sea that was to be submitted to, and all that was poured into the sea by the mouth of the Evil One would be taken down into the fiery furnace for the Locusts to consume. That would be their sustenance, whilst the Great Locust, Abaddon, would feed from them AND be fed by Phanuel from above by each of Phanuel's faces.
Phanuel: I Swear To God This Is All True. Go See Him If You Have An Issue. Do Not See Phanuel; See God, Himself, In The Highest, If You Doubt. I Know He Will Correct You. So Have Faith And Do Not Falter With The Next Two Seals.
His Right Hand was raised high, with his Left upon the now unraveled scroll, which would unlock the Abyss with the Key to the Abyss, who was also one of the servants, making way for Abaddon to rise. Each of the Eyes of Phanuel's Faces would open then, and all of the Grigori, the Watchers, would be exposed.
Phanuel: These Are The Eyes Of My Many Faces; The Witnesses.
'The Two Witnesses'
Immediately, two large eyes opened up in the sky, each looking toward Kairo Tensei from both sides. They would look like eyes peeking in from the outside of a skull, observing Heaven from the outside in. This, too, was one of Phanuel's many faces, and it kept watch over the smaller embodiment of Phanuel, as well as all that went on in this universe. Phanuel, who had many Faces, would be able to see not only in this realm, but also in the realm of Abaddon, as well as many others where the Face had been attempted to make an image of, where the reflection of Phanuel would reside and be watched over in the exact same manner. None were the True Face; only Phanuel in the fullness of his form, who acted as a Messenger for the True Face, which has yet to be revealed.
Phanuel: There Are Still Two More Seals; The 6th And 7th Are Sealed Within The Text, Itself. Within The Scroll. To Unlock Them Further, You Must Be Fully Tested On The Inner Text. However, Until Then...
'The Thousand Years'
Phanuel would clench his right hand, and a binding chain of Light would be forged into his grip, streaming like lightning, which would be the Light's physical and visual form. With a single yank of the Great Chain of smoldering Light, the entirety of this realm and all that was associated to it would be eternally protected. Meanwhile, each of the Fallen Ones, the Watchers that had been sentenced to imprisonment, who made up the body of the devil, Satan, would be dragged out as the servants of the Son of Man for 1,000 years, until they were sentenced to be released from their confines.
Phanuel: Come.
Phanuel would call upon the Horse of the Headless Horseman, which would not only be this Dragon bound in chains, but also the very Text that was bound around him, which also bound the Dragon to Abaddon, which were where the Missing Pieces of Abaddon's body belonged. It was connected to the Great Chain, for, it was the Essence and Quintessence of the Great Chain itself; the bindings of the Holy Text in its Ethereal Form.
Phanuel: Penemue.
Phanuel's face shifted to that of the Man, and from there, when yanking upon the Great Chain over the millennial servants, the one that was called, Penemue, would be revealed before the Son of Man as this Ethereal Chain of which each of the Words were connected, and also the Words that were being written, which bound the rest of the other Fallen Ones together and kept them sealed with the binding words of the Holy Text.
Phanuel: Abaddon.
He called next the Rider of this Horse, the Headless Horseman, of which served as Phanuel's own body; the body of the Face. Phanuel served as the Head of the Headless Horseman, and this chained Dragon served as the Horse of the Headless Horseman. These beings were all bound by the Holy Text of the Blood Oath, and could only be revealed or unlocked through it, and by the Holy One. Abaddon, himself, was the Altar of Souls.
'The Trumpets'
The angels that had congregated would shoot down into the sky from their respective places in Heaven, where they lived, ready to drag up the Angel of Hell, the Locust King, into the land from his place under Phanuel. The realm that was Hell itself had a physical form, just as the Universe had a chosen physical form within its confines. The Angel that existed as a projection of Hell within Hell was Abaddon, the Headless Horseman, and the Face of Hell whilst the Angel that existed as the projection of Heaven within Heaven, the complete mirror image of Abaddon, Phanuel, would remain in his place as the Face of Heaven. These were the two halves of Samael, of whom the two of them combined to be as the Face of God in both realms, split in two. Together, they would be the Watchers over Heaven and Hell, and both would be servants of this Son of Man henceforth. From here, Phanuel would stay his way and wait for the two that were called to play their part in the Grand Design. He looked on, sharing his Light like that of the Sun with Kairo Tensei, and all that were around him, preparing them all for the Great Feast.
Phanuel: Feast. Feast Your Eyes. Your Mind. Your Heart. And Soon, The Locusts Will Eat Their Share Of Flesh.
Suddenly, the angels that were servants to Abaddon would become restless as they began to draw him up out from the depth, as would the ones still upon their islands, looking on with anticipated. They craved more Manna from Heaven just as any Human would Money or Food, for to them, this is what Manna was like. They went off and did their services, as those that served the Horsemen did, and they were rewarded according to their deeds and their services, like a normal paying job. It was regular, scheduled and without flaw, which was the only thing unlike what was below. However, the amount of Manna they received recently was unusually low, due to the lack of what was going on in heaven.
'Lament Over Babylon'
The Light of Phanuel's heads, which were all connected as One Head, no matter what Realm he was in, would all glow immediately, bringing a bountiful harvest and feast of Light and Enlightenment to enrich the Heavens, in order to feed the Angels, who were those great Locusts that were starving due to the lack of Manna in Heaven to feed from recently. Phanuel, himself, would be a beacon in all reals for everyone to see, in all his many faces, shining with the glory of God as the Face of God.
Phanuel: Fallen! Fallen Is Babylon The Great! She Has Become A Dwelling Place For Demons And A Haunt For Every Impure Spirit, A Haunt For Every Unclean Bird, A Haunt For Every Unclean And Detestable Animal.
To put simply; it had become the Kingdom of the Beast and the Kingdom of Hell, meant to be scorched relentlessly with the blazing fire of the Face and the Light from the Face, as well as be picked clean by the Locusts that would feast upon the charred bodies of each roasted beast that was below. All would become food, and the fact that their flesh would be feasted upon as sacrifice for their sinfulness would haunt them... And they would be the Haunts of the City. Everything that was to be struck down with the fires of Hell and feasted on by Abaddon and his Locusts would be located in that place. Everything that was Clean and Holy would be separated from them, so that the difference would be clear, and the feast could begin. Meanwhile, as Phanuel proclaimed, he patiently awaited the two Angels that were summoned to complete this task.
'The Great Multitude In White Robes'
In the 5th Heaven, Maon, where all the Angels resided, they would cheer. They would finally have the Manna they had been starved of by Famine for so long, of which the Archangel Michael simply had to allow to be during the time of the reign of the Evil One. With this done, that time would come to an end, and each of them would be able to feast again, starting with the ones that had killed them. The angels looked down into the dark pool of Hell below, of whose depths were so abysmal, it seemed infinitesimal. They could see their brethren that were being tortured, starved, trapped and sealed, whilst all they could do was look on. Some were family, some friends, but all that were to the 5th Heaven were Angels that were trapped down below. Knowing that this specific Son of Man that was chosen to cause all such spectacular events that had never before been seen, spoken nor even heard of before, they looked to him, knowing he was the one God had chosen.
"Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on th throne, and to the Lamb."
Immediately, they would all bow down before God and his Chosen, and bless them both, knowing what they had to do at that point.
"Amen! Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength be to our God for ever and ever. Amen!"
The Holy Text, Penemue, in her true and fullest form, would be a live feed streaming into the Abyss for Abaddon to eat and be drawn up from. At the very moment of Abaddon's rise, Penemue would bring the Headless Horseman's Horse under him for him to ride, whilst she guided the two of them via the Text. Meanwhile, each of the other beings eternally bound to her would be dragged along with her as she moved. The text that bound them both looked to be ancient and archaic runes and seals, but were actually Holy Text written in its many different forms. Some was in the form of Characters, others in the form of Alphabet, and others, even more, in the form of Pictures. There was even some text that was in the form of pure Speech, which sounded like the hum of the Angels singing eternal praises. It would even be in its most basic and primary form as Code, something like Binary, but even more highly advanced and mysterious. The Holy Text was in an innumerable amount of forms, both Visible and Invisible to the eye, and each of them were binding seals upon Abaddon and the Fallen Ones that he would ride as his horse.
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