It was the first day at my new middle school and I had to get ready for school so I wouldn't be late. My mom called for me and I quickly ran down the long staircase trying to put my socks on my feet nearly falling down the stairs. When I made it to the end of the stairs my mom said, "Why are you rushing sue, it's only 6:00." I walked up to her and said, "You're kidding me right?" She looked at me and said, "Nope, I wanted to get you up early so you wouldn't be in a rush." I looked at her with an aggravated face and yelled, "SCHOOL DOESN'T START UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK!" After I said that I turned around and stomped up the stairs and went to my room. I finished getting ready, put my backpack on, grabbed my phone and went back downstairs.
My mom was waiting for me in the kitchen with a nervous smile look on her face. When I made it downstairs my mom questioned, "Do you want Landon to drive you to school sue?" I looked at her and said, "No, I'm not trying to make an entrance and don't call me that around friends please." Madam Francis held the door for me and I walked out and Mr.Landon opened the gate for me and I walked out and was on my way to school which was a block away.
I made it to the school and walked inside and made my way to the cafeteria. I saw a sheet that said where my advisory was and sat down where it had the sign that showed my teachers name. Since I made it to school earlier than usual the cafeteria didn't have many people there. I just got on my phone and texted people and watched YouTube videos until the time passed. After a while, all of the tables started filling up and it was time for assembly. The assembly passed by pretty quickly and they sent everyone off to class. I quickly went to the office to go get my schedule then made my way to go look for my class.
My first class was math and it was in room 410 and I was standing on the second floor completely lost. This boy in the 7th grade walked up to me and said, "Hey are you lost?" I slightly nodded and he asked me what my first class was. I showed him my schedule and he said, "Wait a minute, this says 7th-grade math." He had a big smile on his face and said, "I have math first too!" He turned around and started walking and said, "Come on, if you don't hurry you we are going to be late." I quickly put my schedule back in my backpack and rushed behind him.
We made it to the classroom and nobody was here yet. He sat down in the back but I didn't know where to sit so he said, "come sit by me." I walked over to the table which was shaped in squares and about 8 people could fit at the same table. I sat down and thanked him with a big smile on my face. A few minutes later people started coming into the classroom and filled up the table greeting him. I thought for a moment then said to him, "Oh, I never got your name." He then responded with, "Oh right...well my name is Julian." I nod and say," Suisy nice to meet you," and smiled. The teacher came into the classroom and greeted the class. He looked at his laptop and popped his head up like he remembered something.
He started speaking to the class saying, "Hello again everyone, today we have a new student who just moved into Illinois with her mother, lets let her introduce herself, plus she is a 6th grader so be nice to her, she is pretty smart for her age, My name is Mr.Roger by the way," He says while looking at me making the whole class face my way.
I stood up and said, "Hi everyone, My name is Suisy...I was born in Orange County California and my old school was Blanton elementary school, sooo yea." I sat back down and the class started clapping. I let out a deep breath and Julian laughs a little and says, "Nervous?" I nod a little and he said, "No need to be." I smiled and said, "Thanks I guess." The teacher started taking roll and the girl next to me turned to me and said, "What's your last name?" I looked at her with a confused face and said, "Why?" She responded saying, "Just answer the question." I responded saying, "...Rose."
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