Here's better explanation of Chi.
The Chi System works like this: Chi is the energy that flows through EVERYTHING, no being has more Chi or less Chi then another, all that differs is the way they can use it. It requires a strong mind, body and soul to use Chi. There are five ways to use Chi
ENHANCE: By letting Chi flow rapidly through the body, physical abilities are pushed to their limits and allows to user to go beyond the capabilities of their body. However, it puts an immense amount of strain on the body and if the body can’t handle the how the Chi flows it will break down.
HARDEN: By flowing Chi a certain way to a part of the body, this will put a protective layer around the user. However, using this ability takes away from any other Chi use at the time. If two users use Harden offensively against one another, the first barrier to break down will be the one that belongs to a user of weak will/not using enough Chi.
TRANSFER: The ability to make your Chi flow through other beings. Inorganic material is the easiest to do this to. Organic materials with a will are difficult to Transfer through. The more will they have, the more difficult it is to Transfer through them. The Chi Transferred through something is still controlled by the user. All other abilities can be used during Transfer. Ex: Hardening a weapon through transfer.
PROJECTION: A Transfer of Chi that doesn’t go through a material. Requires high concentration and an advanced control of Chi. Can create blast, images, etc. Often mistaken for magic.
SENSE: The ability to sense the Chi of other beings. Once learned it becomes instinct. Gives user 360 view at all times.
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