Hello everyone, its Lilly, I am back from the long await and I am very excited to see what has come and what I can do :) school has been a pain along with family and friends but now I have things sorted out and will try to focus on my dream to become a artist. Here's an update in my life and if you guys want to see what I post daily, follow me @ Lillyeetrox_ on Instagram! again I love you guys and stay awesome ;3
sorry for being gone so long I'm working on it ;-;
A comic about me just trying to kick life in the booty before it does to me
W_T_H_I_G_O is a slife of life comedy webcomic being brought back with a bAm this year after many difficult things have happened in my life and now it will be more Awesome and Funny as ever! Journey with me as I tackle life as an aspiring teen artists living in Michigan
Instagram @ Lillytrox To see lots of art funny things memes and selfies! Read more
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