"Who can tell me what the five main classes are?" From the front of the room, Yuriko eyed her class of new first year in-training guardian students. The class was made up of about twenty to twenty-five students, guardians of varying classes and powers. All eyes were on Yuriko, no one dared speak out of turn or play a prank. Yuriko was one of the few teachers who would actually battle a student, with no hesitation. "No one?" She raised an eyebrow as she tapped the board. "Come on, this is basic knowledge." With a sigh, she looked at her attention book and called on the first person she came to.
The young boy looked to scared to speak. "Umm..." He looked around the room for help.
Yuriko sighed again. "Really? Your not helping yourselves or anyone by not answering." She said to the boy, but it was meant for the whole class. "Healers, Guards, Elementist, Warrior, and Soldier." She counted off each of the five main classes off on a finger. "These are called the five main classes, because not only are they the most common. But it is it thought that they were the first five classes created or 'blessed', before any of the sub-classes came to be." She walked over to the side wall, where a poster detailing all of the classes was hung. "It is also believed that each of the sub-classes come from each one of these five classes."
While everyone was staring at Yuriko, Shira was feverishly taking notes. She already knew all of this, yet she still insisted on taking notes. "What are some of the sub-classes?" She rasied her hand and asked.
Yuriko stopped talking and pointed to another poor student, "Your answer?"
Caught off guard, the girl quickly sat up. "Elementsit have several sub-classes. For example, ice and steam are the sub-class of water. Thunder and lightening for fire, sound, illison, and pressure for wind, and plants or nautre for earth." She paushed in her answer, before she added, "Summonors are also thought to be a sub-class. But since no one can decide which of the five main classes it could have come from, it is still being debated even now."
Yuriko nodded, "Good, looks like someone has been doing their reading. Before we contiune with the classes and sub-classes, lets go over what a guardian is." She walked back over to the board and pulled out a giant textbook from undernearth the self there. "Guardians," she began, "you guys might want to take notes." She stopped to inform the class, before she contiuned. "Guradians, humans born or 'blessed' with powers and gifts from their family's personal god or goddess." She closed the book and looked at it like it was the most boring thing ever. "That's about the gist of it. In short, we have powers. We're trained from the young age of six or seven at one of the branch, speicality, or the main academies until we either graduate at eighteen or we pass our guardian tests. Which ever comes first."
"So once we've done one or both, we're free to leave the school?" Shira asked, "We can either join the GUARDS or do as we wish." This last bit was a statment.
Yuriko nodded, "As you know, a guardian can only be selected from the age of sixteen or in their second year of the in-training years. Just because your either or both, doesn't mean you'll be selceted. Heck, there are still third years here who are about to gradate and haven't been selected or have failed." This got a alot of mutters from the students. "Yes, childrens. You can fail the guardian test." The grin she gave, was not one of encouragement or hope. "You can still graudate without having passed it and join GUARDS and what not, but you truly won't be regoinized as a full guradian until you pass your test. And before you ask, no can't know what your test is going to be like. Even asking someone else what their test was like won't help much." She turned to look as each student, "The test is different for each person and sometimes it changes each time you take it. It isn't something you can study or perpare for, you either pass or you don't. But sometimes, rarely, there are certain things that are the same for some people."
She gave the class a few moments to abosrb everything that she had told them. "Moving on." She went back to the poster on the wall. "Naomi, tell us what makes each of the five class so much fun."
Naomi silently stood up and went over to the poster, "Warriors are gifted with physical offensive strength and power, they are the overall strongest. They are able to easily fight with or without a weapon. The energy or 'power/gift' is what gives them this power." She moved from the picture of a young warrior over powering a bigger oppent and move to the one of several men and women weilding different weapons. "Soldier are the next strongest, not as phyiscally strong as the warriors, their energy allows them to easily fight with weapons." Next was the picture of people centered around the different elements of fire, earth, water, and air. "The elementist energy blesses them with control over the four elements." The second to last picture showed a young girl bent over a man with her arms held out over him. "Healers don't have much offensice power, as their energy centers mostly around healing and other things. They can be taught how to use this for defensive purposes." The last picture was simply people gathered behind a man and woman, who each held a sheild and one weapon. "Guards are considered to be the weakest, as they have great defensive powers, but little to no offensive powers. They can fight if taught, but other then that, their just human sheilds. Guards get stronger, with the more people they have to protect or the greater the danger. "
Several cheers and boos rang out with each picture she went to, the boos growing loudest when she reached the picture of the guards. "So you all don't like the gurad classes?" That evil smile was back, "Well guess what, your first feild training of the year is going to be switching classes. So if your a warrior or soldier class guess what? I'm going to make you a guard class for a month!"
"What if your a dual class or have a sub-class that is already guard?" Asked a student from the back.
"What's dual and sub-class again?" Izumi asked, trying to stay awake.
Yuriko groaned, "There are two types of sub-classes. The first is what we tallked about eariler, classes that were born from one of the five main classes. The second type of sub-class is known as secdonary-classes. Secodonary-classes, are when someone is born with the powers of more than one class, but the powers of one class is weaker than that of the other. For example, you Izumi have a secondary-class. Your first or primary class is air-elementist, which is stronger than your secondary-class of earth-elementist."
When Izumi rasied her hand again, Yuriko glared at her to put it back down. "Before you ask, primary class, is considered to be either your strongest class or your only class. Your friend Naomi only has one class. Which makes their classes primary, since that is the only class they have. Dual class is when someone is born with more than one class and both classes are equally as strong. No one is stronger than the other. Like your friend Shira, her illison powers and her other class, whatever it maybe, are considered to be equally strong, there for she is a dual class. And before you ask, yes you can be a dual class and a seconday-class. This is someone who is born with three or more classes, as rare as it is. This just means that two of the three are equally strong enough to make them a dual class, but the third one is not, making it a seconday class."
Yuriko groaned, she had not planned on spending the entire class going over basic elementry grade information. When the bell rang for lunch, all of the students began to quickly pack up their stuff. "Oh no you don't!" Yuriko slammed the door shut before anyone could get out. "I want a three page paper in detail going over everything we went over this morning. Have it on my desk before midnight tomorrow. Also, your going to be quizzed on everything first thing tomorrow morning. Finally, everyone's homework is to go to the changlle match that is being held this afternoon. I will know if you don't go. Now, go enjoy your lunch!" She said the last bit just to happily, enough to frighten her students as they marched out the door.
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