Jake left a couple minutes ago and Dave will be home at 2 PM it's 10 am
Your name is dirk and you're talking to yourself
*ring ring*
Dirk: hello
Dave: hey so I'm gonna be a little late I'll be home at 4 PM us that ok?
Dirk: yeah totally
Dave: okay just call Jake if you need something ok?
Dirk: yup bye
Dave: bye
Well then looks like I'm gonna be talking to myself all day pretty much
*1 am*
Dirk: fuck... fuck... fuck..
Your name is dirk and you have new cuts on your arm, being alone for so long just talking to yourself has caused you to go to your old way the voices just say DO IT DO IT DIRK and you listened.
*20 minutes later*
And it's getting worse the cuts are pretty deep and you're starting to feel scared but good at the same time.
*ring ring*
Dave: hey I'm coming home I'll be there in 15 minutes
Dirk: .....ok....
Dave: dirk you ok
*15 minutes later*
you run though the home and open the door to dirks room
dirk: dave please help
*1 hour later*
Your name is dave and you feel like you're gonna be sick
Your little brother is in the hospital again because you weren't there for him, your so stupid
Doctor: Um..excuse me sir
Dave: yes
Doctor: dirk is going to be fine but he has to stay here for a couple more days and put on suicide watch
Dave: ok um can I see him
Doctor: yes of course
Dave enters the room to see his sleep lil bro
Dave: dirk I'm sorry I wasn't there I'm sorry I can't be there a lot I promise I'll be here for you when you need me no matter what I'll be there for you I promise
Dirk: dave please don't...cry
Dave: dirk you're awake
Dirk: yeah I'm sorry
Dave: don't be I'm the one who should be saying sorry,
I wasn't there when you needed me
Dirk fell asleep right after so I stayed there all night so I would be there for him
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