2 days later on the day of release for final frontier.
All of celestial guild is in their room in the voice chat with their copy of final frontier with downloading almost complete; they all have their new vr headsets on.
Akira: We're literally moments away from gracing the greatest video game on planet earth!
Touma: An event so popular they respectfully cancelled school due to the amount of people stating they would not be at school on this day.
Toki: I know right! Never have I ever seen a video game be the primary reason for a school cancel.
Rin: Hey, more video game for us, I'm sitting here slowly watching this download bar slowly go up.
Toki: Yuko? Are you here?
Yuko unmutes.
Yuko: I was talking all this time to realize I was muted....
Rin: No worries, we're almost down with this download! 98.....99! ALRIGHT, GUYS LET'S SHOW THESE GUY WHY WE'RE GONNA BE THE GREATEST GUILD THERE EVER WAS, LET'S GO!
Yuko: R-right!
Toki: Heard loud and clear!
Akira: I'm gonna pee on myself!
Touma: Not in the call, Akira.
Akira: Not literally you-hmph!
The game finishes downloading, but in actuality their brains were being downloaded and placed into their unit along with their genes from their body, they've been transported into the game, where they can feel, breath the air, taste the food, feel pain and all things unethical that wasn't mentioned. (Man, Mr. Jaaku wasn't kidding when he said "You won't voluntarily move irl." Your body is not in the real world anymore.) (They also inputted everything including: their transfer codes, weapons, classes, etc during the download.)
We are visited by a black screen where their eyes begin to open in the new Square Central called "Frontier Central Square," or just "Frontier Central."
It resembles a mix of Times Square and the Shibuya crossing.
Everyone that was transported to Frontier Central Square are in awe about how real everything looks, feels, and even smells while they admire the views.
Another player: They may as well cancel school for the whole month, time to no life!
Touma: Hmm, it appears to be the remade Square Central from the previous game as this guide states.
Toki: Hey, where is that guide?
Touma: Start, Settings, help&info on your watch projection, madame.
Toki: Ooo, I found the map too, what's this? A safe zone? Oh found it, "Safe zones are only found around the 10 megacities such as this one, Frontier Central Square has the biggest one. These safe zones provide safe a way to grind and level up with a way to replenish resources "without too much risk."
Rin: Hmph. This'll be easy, I wonder what returning monsters are within this safe zone radius though.
Akira: Yeah, I can't find that either, but hey a challenge is a challenge they'll be easy though.
Yuko: Hey, I noticed something, our outfits are different from Battle Frontier, I'm starting to really like mine, mine is cute, nya!
Everyone "..."
Touma: I must admit, mine is quite fabulous if I do say so myself.
Rin: Alright guys we can focus on that later haha; let's walk around and find the transfer data system to get our things, I really want my tenebrosity swords.
Toki: I'll lead us there, I have a map already pulled up, plus I wanna be in front to get my things first haha.
Akira: Heyyy! Why go you get to be first?
Toki: You were the first to go in almost everything in Battle Frontier.
Akira turns her head and pouts.
They walk.
Yuko: Hey, I noticed our guild tag is already on!
Rin: Huh? Oh hey, that saves us time from having to create this patch again at least, I guess it was from our transfer data? We should probably hide it in cities though.
As they continue to walk some boys see Toki and Akira and begin to fantasize.
Random p1: Celestial guilds charms, Toki and Akira! Aren't they just beautiful?
Random p2: This motivates me to do better in this game. In order to get better things you need to improve yourself, I will win over their courageous hearts and wed them both!
Random p3: They're celestials for a reason, they're out of this world!
Random p2: WAIT, who is the beautifully timid cat girl? I've never seen her before! Celestial guild has the best girls in the game and I haven't even seen the rest, this is all making my mind bog!
Boys crowd up in the background as they pass by.
All the boys that grouped: WE LOVE YOU!
Akira(Cross popping vein): They're lucky weapons are prohibited out here and restricted to Vs centers, I'd kill-
Toki: Akira hey! Just ignore it, it's not like they'll touch us or anything.
Boy manages to sneak behind Akira and reaches for a butt pinch.
Touma grabs his hand by the wrist, raises it by force, and looks at him. (Always grinning.)
Touma: And who do you think you are?
Random in background: Brave and stupid fool! Even I have restraints, but to try to mess with guild that calibre, he's a goner.
Pervert(Nervous sweat): I-I was just, ha-ha, admiring her golden underwear is all and wanted to get a better view, I swear.
Touma: I'm afraid garments can be seen from a distance my friend, shall I deal with this nuisance?
Akira: No, I got him. If there's anything worse I hate than bad teammates, it's liars.
She opens her hand gracefully and purple smokes comes out of her palm, it surrounds the perverts neck, she closes her hand and the smoke violently encloses around his neck strangling him. She applies more and more pressure causing his neck to bend to one side slightly while he struggles. His health depletes from 100 to 1hp in seconds, she drops him, he is struggling to breath and has visible marks on his neck. His new status displays "critcal."
Akira(Staring group of boys): STOP STARING! You damn perverts!
The boys all get frightened and disperse, while everyone that watched were a bit shaken that a pro did that to a newcomer, someone goes to his aid to give him some health that put him back to 100 and all his marks disappear, he is taken away the bystander who helped him.
Random player: Woah, that injury to his neck looked wicked and kind of real.
Another bystander: Yeah, my guild will get strong and make the pros think twice before trying that on us like we're weaklings.
Celestial guild continues their walk toward the transfer data system.
Rin: Don't you think that was a bit far, Akira?
Akira: It was justified and all who fail to see it are idiots, I'm no ones play doll for their imagination gone too far.
Rin: I understand, I just don't want to tarnish our name in front of all the newcomers is all, we don't want a bad rep is all.
Yuko: Yeah, they better think twice about putting their hands on me too!
Silence ensues...
Yuko(In-mind): D-did I say something wrong?!
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