Hey there sailors, back at it again with part 4 of ASHORE ! We're really getting into the deep water of the plot, and gently now pushing toward the conclusion.
There's now another way for your to support the comic, and it's through Patreon ! People who pledge 5$ have already read this part last week and get to see all the process behind the comic, so if this sounds like a treat, go to www.patreon.com/bitterjelly ✨
And as always, if you want to help out a bit while I draw part 4, you can buy me a ko-fi at ko-fi.com/K3K47OK8 ✨ And if you want to see some occasional sneak peak while I work on ASHORE, I still post some on my instagram stories (@pistachel)
this is so cool!! i love how in the beggining he just looked like a cute dead sailor boy looking for a friend and now he's all like "REVENGEEE" also your art is incredible I follow you on insta and you are one of my favourite artists
People say that the beach is haunted, and that it has been for a while now. Some say they spotted 'him' on the pier, others ankle deep into the icy cold water; in the middle of a stormy night on the boardwalk, or in the noisy crowd of beach-goers, seemingly unseen by others. A sailor with no boat, and nothing to his name but the clothes on his back and this strange, surreal sweater that mirrors the state of the sea.
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