I dragged Annett strait to Extra Caffeine. It's a comfy dessert/coffee shop. By now Annett's train of thought had caught up with mine and was holding onto my hand like a leash. It’s pretty early on a Saturday so the place was vacant. Annett assumed her "usually in charge" persona and dragged me to the counter. Donatella was a regular barista here. And since I do a lot of writing here so we're pretty good friends. “Hi, welcome to Extra Caffeine! What would you like.” Annett didn't bother to ask me what I wanted as she ordered for us both. “Hi, we'd like two s'more cups and two iced mochas.” Donatella wrote down the order and looked at me for a sign of approval. I nodded. It was fine besides this is what I always order when I go here. How does Annett know that? At this point does it even matter? Donatella smiled, “Coming right up.”
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