Thwy dwecwievah owof naytuwe, owof twime, dowoth wuwwed mwee twou a sewense owof fawse stwabiwity. Unpwepwed awnd wwet, I weave mwy cwave owof sowitwude a mawchwing wion (rawr >:3) bwut quickwy a swoakwing mwouse iwn a bwankwet of wain. ewe uwu Thwe gwey skwy fowetowd thwis, nyet I wefused to bewieve it wouwd pouw dowown shyo swoon...
I awm dwefwencewess, fowced uwunder thwe shweteww owof ouw cwommwunion woofs. Cowovenient awss thwey mway be, mwy dwestwinatiowon stiww wies iwn weach, bewyon thwe gwey skwy, awfter the wainwy dwawn. A cwuwse wouwd ewescwape thwy twoungue, buwut ewendst uwup uwuttewwy powointwess. I withewd. I wemain mweek uwunder the dowownpouww. uwu...
Thwe despaiw wasts aws thwe cwouds cwontinwue theiw onswought owon thwe stweets. Twuwy, it sweems I shaww bwe wate, west I wisk gwetting thy fawbwice wwet... Awn uwuthwinkwabwe dewecwiscion. I shaww wait awnd swuwk in thy mwistwake. Foowish, foowish... Thowough aww hwope mway sweem wost, iwn thwe fwadwing oww shyo swowwy dawknwess, a fwiguwe ewemewges, uwuntwouched awnd dwy fwom thwe hweavy wain. A fwamiwiwaw fwace or pwehwaps awn angel who feww owout whiwst mawching fwom Hweaven?!
"Did you forget your umbrella again? Or were you too stubborn that you didn't want to carry anymore extra weight?" AGH! Mwy wowds owof uwus hwas bween invwaded! @w@ Abwove, shwe spweaks iwn a wepwemwanding tone, towewing owovew mwee switting owon a bwench... awt 145cm. Cawwiwying awn umbwewwa thwat wivwaws hwer hweight, she weaws awn awmow thwat defwends hwe fwom thwe wain as weww. Thwe yewwow waincwoat wouwd hwave dweceived mwe thwat a mewe toddwew wwas appwoaching mee, oww pewhwaps thwe mwenacwing aiw awound her wouwd mwake me thwink mwy twime hwas finawwy cwome awnd the gwim weapwew wwas jwust a smol gwemwin with a knwife. Thwough owonce uwunhwooded, uwunmwasked, thwe gwacious swea gween bwobcut swayed wwith thwe wwind iwn uwunion wwith thwe a gwiant yewwow wibbon owon heww hwead, thwe viewew ewenhwanced bwy thwe fawwing wwatew owof thwe bwackgwound, weveawing hew idwentwity. Heww nwame wwas Ewaine Wawkspuw. owo (Elaine Larkspur)
"Ewaaaaaaaaaine~! >w< Shyo gwood twou see nyou! uwu" I weawped fwom mwy bwench awnd gwomped thwe showt giwl, nwo wegawd fowo the wisk of gwetting dwenched, aws heww pewsonaww spwace is pwotewected by thwe umbwewwa. She stuwwtews bwack fwom the fowce, stiww wetwaining heww gwip own thwe handwe. owo Thwough she is swafe with heww cwoat, she wouwd bwee so adwamwant to mwake suwe I'm awway fwom the dwops of wwatew. uwu Howw kwind. "Hey, hey! It's nice to see you too, but come on now, I might slip!" she wawns mwee as I qwuickwy wet gowo. A smaww swigh awmost myuutwed bwy thwe chwatter of dwopwets, Ewaine wegains hew cwomposuwe. She gwances awt mwe fowo a bwief fwew sweconds. Is she anawyzwing mwy cuwwent swituation? Oww is shwe jwust wooking foww a gwood pwace to stwab mwee? Awn ewenwigmwatic gware shwe dewivewws so easiwy, if owone dwidn't knowo heww, they wouwd bwe feawfuww fowo theiw wives. uwu Fotunwatewy, thwat iws nwot thwe cwase. I hwave a bwave heawt. ow o
"Good grief, you didn't even wear a jacket today. Aren't you cold just standing out here?" she expwesses heww dwisdwain. "Nwo wayeww owof cwothwing couwd stwop mwee fwom fweezing owovew fwom nyouw iwcy stawe, Ewaine. uwu" I dewivah mwy wesponse. She wowws heww eweyes, whiwe fowciwng hew fwace nwot to smwiwe bwut inewvitwabwy snwickews, "Well, lucky you that I passed by then."
"Because you definitely deserve to freeze over." she eweyes wook away fwom mwe aws she gwins whwist saywing thwat.
"Nyaha~" I chwuckewd as I iwnch cwoser to heww, bewwow heww pwotabwe shewteww. The wain gwentwy twaps the twop, fiwwing the siwent awmbience aws we stawe awt eawchowothew fowo a bwief mwoment. "Mway I? owo", I wequest aws I snaiw-pwacedwy ewtched mwy fwingers owon twou the hwandwe owof ouw shwade fwom thwe cwouds, nweawy mwaking cwontwact with hers. "H-Huh?! What?!" Ewaine showos a pwanicked fwace aws she wooks up at me whiwe twying to cwompwehend huwat I've pwoposed. She wets owout awn "uh...." awnd thwen awn "Eh...?" befowe finawwy wetting gowo, uwunderstwanding thwat I shouwd cawwy the 'bwewwa dwue to ouw hweight diffewence.
"Nyehh.... Huwat dwid nyou thwink I was suwugwestwing, Ewaine dawwing?" I twease. Heww fwustewed fwace wooks away, "I... just thought about leaving you here to drown instead..." she huffs, "But...! Since your hands are so quick to stick... Guess I have no choice...!" I cwontinue to stawe dwown awt heww iwn mwocking. She tiwts heww fwace ovwew befowe nwotwicing and stwenwy dwemands, "Let's go already...! We don't want to be late now, do we?" I nod twice, wetting out a fwew "uwus" iwn agweement. Befowe bwegin ouw awdvwance, I stwuck owout my fwee hwand siwentwy, to which she qwuickwy twakes nwote of. A qwuiet swound owof hwesitwation aws she gwawes awt it, a spwed up bweath, awnd shwe aggwesivewy twake a gwip owof it befowe wooking uwup ownce mowe.
"Let's get a move on now..."
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