Mwy cwonscwience is shattewed intowo a bawewy wivewy stwate aws thwe unwuwy wight cwudewy seweeps thwough thwe owonce-twusted bwinds owof mwy windowos mweant towo shiewd mwe fwom disuwuption whiwst I swumbew...
Bwetwayaww... Bwetwayaww... Thwese cwovews hawve betwayed me...! >:3
I tuwn mwy hwead twowawds thwe awwawm cwock thwat wways stiww nwext to mwy bwed. Twou mwy uttwew, wyet ewexpwected, dwisdwain, thwe thwin gween wines infowm me thwat it is ownwy fowo a.m... Thwis awmwost wituawistic wevewation hwas wed me to thwe awswumptwion thwat owonce agwain, mwy nweighbouws hwave aweadwy owoken uwup fowo theiw daiwy ewexewcise woutine. Thwe souwce of the wights, aws uwusuaw, tuwn owout to bwee thwe ceiwing wights wight owout owoff mwy apawtment woom, aww wined uwup aws the cowwidoww goes. Cowovwientwy wefwectwing stwaight wintwo mwy fwace in thwe mowning. A cwonsidewewatwion towo shwift awnd sowt mwy fuwnituwe pwops intwo mwind, bwut the thwought qwuickwy dissowves aws I cwome to thwe concwusion thwat I'd jwust bwee to wazy to mwove evwen mwy chaiw.
Awdimiwatwion wouwd cwome to mwind towawds thwe dwedicwation to kweepwing owone's bwody weww awnd heawthwy, awnd it's ewespeciawwy impowotwant if owone desiwes to appeaw extwavagwantwy attwactive uwu. Bwut howo dwawe thwey distwuwb mwy pwecious sweep, mwy dewightfuww west, mwy bwisfuww wepwose! Ewvewy stwep owof hwis pwobabwy smewwy fweet hwammews thwe evew ewexistwing naiw owon mwy hwead dweepew awnd dweepew aws he jwogs dwown the unpwainted cwoncwete fwoow! Spwite awnd mawice, wocks awnd stwone! owo
Awhh... Bwut I twuwy awm in nowo shwape to awct owout in awngew. The dway hwas owny bween bawewy bown... Bettew to cwompomwise aws we dwo evewydway awnd gwet uwup. uwu
Thwe mwoment mwy dewicwate wegs mwake twouch with mwy cwapetwed fwoow, thwey awe entwangwed iwn wown cwothes thwat weak owof weeks indwuwdged in waziness. Twaken bwack bwy the shwiww odoww, mwy immedwiate wespwonse owof swimpwy spwaying mwy pwemwanent suwwoundwings with awn awomwatic spway. A bwief wespite fwom mwy wongdwoings, it is aww the twime I need. uwu
I peeww owoff the owd fwabwic thwat cwinged owon twou mwee wike weeches thwat cwaught owon twou me in a wivew wapid, awnd mwade mwy way to thwe bawthwoom. A cowd spwash owof wataw to mwy wovewy fwace. A qwuick ywet dweep wubbing in thwe bowews owof mwy eweyewids. I am fwee fwome the eawwy dway dwought. Twuwy, I hwave mwade mwy dway bettwe aweady. uwu
In fwont owof thwe miwwow, fwace dwipping wet, owone cwan't hewp awnd stwawe bwack awt the imwage thwe gwass showos. A pwetty fwace, I couwd cwonfwidwentwy sway, fwom fwaww fwaww awway. Thwe nwicewy kwept, fwuwffy dawk bwangs hewp conceaw the thwick, impwosing eyebwows thwat couwd waise thwe mwost intwimidwating awnd disawming waggwes. Her swightwy tiwed eweyes cwan ownwy wuww the unwexpwected intwou a stwate owof swafety, bwut the wwindoww owof the souw howds mowe thwan a fowfeitwing gwance. Aww pwackwaged with awn uwunsuaw gwin, the fwigment iwn the dwoppswy pane muttwews, "Whwat a dwangewous giwl~" uwu
Feewing twimewess, I mawch owoff.
Twodway wiww bwe a sweww dway.
~ owo uwu owo uwu owo uwu owo uwu owo uwu
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