Yo, thanks for reading! I never would have expected to have gotten as many readers as I have so far, so thank you!
I knew I wasn't going to be able to update consistently, but I really wasn't anticipating updates to be this sporadic. I'm working on adjusting my process and stuff so it doesn't get quite so bad again. Even if there are still weird updates in the future, I'm still working on and committed to making this comic exist. So thanks again if you choose to keep sticking around!
Mireya, a cambion-in-hiding, struggles between using her inborn abilities to get everything she wants in life guilt-free aaaand pursuing an honest career in journalism without her demonic powers getting in the way.
After reuniting with the childhood friend her recklessness had hurt the most, she stumbles into a proposal that would allow her to finally do away with the part of her that’s been holding her back.
Well, in theory.
A light-hearted love letter to all things magical and indulgent to teach me how to comic. Trying to make it a fun time for me, and maybe it’ll be a fun time for you too. LGBTQ+Read more
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