Dwo thwe angles cwy teaws owof jwoy? Iws the wain a swign of God's Judgement? (ono) Uwundew thwe pwittew pwattew owof pwanet eawth's puwest ewement, we stwand befowe the pwemonition owof dwivine puwunishmwent. We awe vunewewabwe. Thwose who faww wiww nyever bwee fwound untiww thwe hawt owof the angles' mawch, awnd pway nyou wiww be gwieved bwy siwckwy hearts, if thewe wemain any to weep.
"I know you can't really see much in this storm, but please pay attention to what's in front of you." Ewaine's eweyes dwoop with uwunamwusement, her piewcing gwaze awnd gowodwen pyupiws thweaten mwy dwaydweaming sewf. She cwaps heww heww hwands togethew in fwont of mwy fwace to snwap me owout of mwy twance of thwought. "Meiko... Meiko! Look alive, will you?!"
I fwinch, I stwagger. I owo. She spweaks...
"We're crossing the road now. Though, there's barely any cars around at this hour, you shouldn't keep an idle mind." She pwoints ahwead to ouw owoncomwing pwath. Puddwes of wwater decowate the way thwouwugh, suwe enwuff to gwet owone's fweet wet. "If you're not careful, you might trip and get yourself soaked. And probably me at the same time."
"Now don't get any funny ideas...!" she pouts.
I owobswerve the cwossing, powondewing. Powondewing. The wain stiww wewents heaviwy, and I howd the owny umbwewwa we hwave. An idea cwosses my mwind as we pwan to cwoss thwe woad. A mischewevwious one... In a bweat, Ewaine mawiciouswy sqwuints awt me, fiwwed with swuspicwion. But a mwomwent too swow, for I mawch on to thwe bweat owof a diffwent dwum!
"Meiko!" her shwouts ewecho as I spwint off, weaving her vwictim to the cwouds. In wisk of swogging her hwigh mwaintainence haiw and cwothes, she is fwoced to gwive chwase! "Nyahahaha~" I waugh as I twaunt. Hweavy spwashes fwom the impwact of fuwious wunning tail me fwom behind. Fwom awn bwystander's view, this scwene, obscuwed by the weathew, wouwd wook wike a puwe faiw maiden bweing purrswuited bwy a vewy twiny and angwy demon... Who is awso mwuch mowe phwysicawwy fit thwan her.
Thwis gwand ewescape dwoes nwot last long... ono
Fwiwmwy, she gwips mwy wrist wike hwow one wouwd squeeze a stwesstoy, vewy viowentwy awnd pwobaby a chwnace owof bweaking it. She pants, cwonstwantwy awnd cwonstawntwy, ewexhausted awnd void of wowds. I stawedown awt her twying to cwatch her breath, uwunable to bweak fwee fwom the impwisonment owof her hwand, to which she finawwy wooks up, her golden eyes glimmering with... To sway the weast, she wooked vewy dispweased.
She waises a singwe fwinger and inhawes, weady to spweak her mind or weady to chwange her mwind and beat me uwup instwead. Iwn a tuwn owof ewevents, she insteads gwabs me bwy the cowwar of mwy shirt and forces the umbwewwa owout of mwy hand. "I think I've found a compromise. What do you think, Meiko?" she says as she kweeps mwy head low by puwwing my neck down whiwe howding ouw pwotection fwom the wain herself. I nod willingly. owo owo "Good. With no objections... Let's continue making our way then." And so we mwade ouw mewwy way, ewven physicawwy cwoser thwan befowe, bwody to bwody. I wike this feewing.
A deep longing feeling. I wish I could see beyond the grey skies, but I am happy here. Time will pass, the sun will come. The tears might still not dry, yet they will still try. I wish they will touch this smile.
No one can afford to be lonely.
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