Pucker Factor
Sep 21, 2019
One of our campaigns had the Big Bad Evil Guy fight to recover the mind-controlled body of our former party member. The Monk was second to go in combat so he started things off by teleporting himself into a flying kick combo at the BBEG standing in the middle of a huge ring of cultists chanting some ritual.
The DM basically said panel 3 and then shuffled some pages before saying something to the effect of "oh damn, you teleported, nevermind" to which the half-orc goes "Good, because I was at pucker factor 6 there for a minute".
(He then proceeded to stunlock the BBEG so thoroughly that he literally never got a move and we proceeded to trounce the BBEG fight so thoroughly that the DM may in fact be ending the campaign there because there's no way we top that.)
(Reupload in better quality scan)
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