Things like this only happen in sci-fi tv shows like “Abyss” or something. After those around us left for him, he suddenly started a rampage and became wilder and more erratic. He went swinging his cutlass and was screaming like a mad man. My mom unexpectedly burst into tears. The sight of seeing her love act like that was nerve recking and devastating; like a mother losing her child.
She couldn't bear it. She started walking towards the commotion. Both me and Ma grabbed her as fast as we could and held on to her. As she was struggling, she was also bawling. Crying her eyes out.
Thankfully, the officers were able to restrain him. The ear-slitting sound rose faster than a balloon filled with hydrogen. The only thing I could hear was my mother’s painstaking scream. And also saying,
“My husband is well. He’s ok. There’s nothing wrong with him. Please don’t take him away.”
We tried our best to calm her but to no avail. Several days later, after dad was still detained, we sat down as a family to discuss the issue. And the truth might now be always what it seems. I was always told: “Sugar and Salt looks the same, don’t mix them up.” I think I finally understand now.
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