In a world where evolved, intellectual animals fill the land, air, and sea, one Jaguarundi seeks to begin a sworn oath given to an old ally long ago. And he finds just that in a young but soulful dik-dik antelope. He takes in the foot and a half boy to teach him his ways and become his successor, but can the little bovian handle the strife and dangers or will it prove too much for him?
Humans wiped themselves out and the evolved animals have taken over. Settling in an age similar to that of human dynasties, things can easily turn wild if left unchecked. That's where a special duo comes in. Follow the story of Alger ('Al-gir') and Fearchar (Fair-ah-car') as they scour the land to protect Biernia and the neighboring kingdoms from natural disasters, crazed villains, and powerful, unnatural forces seeking to destroy and enslave all the world.
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