'MIDNIGHT WAKE UP WE OVER SLEPP WERE GONNA BE LATE TO OUR FIRST DAY" Rosie screamed at her lazy sister." "will you calm down were not going to be late, I set our alarms 1 hour ahead so we would wake up early, "midnight said in a way to shut her sister up."WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT "Rosie said still yelling. "Why are you still yelling, you're going to wake up Dawn and nobody wants that, "Midnight said "WHO IS THE PLEB WHO IS YELLING AT THE TOP OF THEIR LONGS AT 5:00 AM"Dawn yelled while kicking down the door. "see, know you did it," Midnight said. "IT WAS YOU, "Dawn said before chucking her slipper at Rosie's head. " BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP, "Angel said while chucking both of her slippers at them. But then out of no were rain yelled, "I made waffles" MIdnight had never seen dawn and angel run so fast in her life.
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