Midnight got out of bed and followed the others downstairs but before Rain could go down the stairs she rushed over and asked her "Did you actually make waffles " "No but I was hoping you would " Rain said while making puppy eyes at Midnight "Fiiiiinne but you owe me".after breakfast they headed upstairs to put on their uniforms, but the thing was about their uniform was that it was one of those Japanese sailor uniforms, and Rain and Dawn were the only ones that hated the uniforms because they loved to dress in their own style. Midnight and Rosie were the only ones that broke a school rule was NO piercings and they broke it because the school principal was a sexist piece of crap and wanted all the girls to look like dollies. Anyways after they got dressed they went to their bus stop and waited for the bus. (Midnights point of view)
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