I am always astonished when people choose to support and follow my comics. So to anyone who can spare a drop this Inks-Giving, know I appreciate it more than I can express. So I'll just have to give you more comic content.
And Yes, the Unbreakable is coming back. It's been a long while with a lot of hard work (other comics and books plus moving to the UK) but finally I've nearly finished a hearty series of updates which I'm going to call some of the best comic work I've ever done. It is a great pleasure to already be sharing pages with my Patrons
This little comic here is more or less a teaser of the direction I intend to take this comic in once I have the crew together.
You can learn more about inks-giving here
The various species of this world only barely cooperate out of the necessity of trade. Helena Gunderfield has got thoroughly drunk and much to her regret purchased a flying cargo ship. Unable to sell on the barely floating clump of sea debris she is forced to engage in business with the varied species she so despises to get her money back or admit financial defeat.
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