“If you really go there… How come you get into these problems, Taylor?”
The question made Natheniel look at the man with a surprised expression. The janitor was an older middle aged man, with his dark hair starting to turn grey at the temples. Even if his face was a bit stiff you could still tell he was quite friendly nonetheless. Which you might have to be if you were a janitor at a nursing home.
“Say Nat… I guess it’s for the same reason you ran away from home as a kid. My family was shit, this city is shit.”
He sighed a little and turned his eyes to the floor again, to drive the mop down into the bucket again.
“Okay, Nat. And how come that a guy like you goes to a private school then?” the janitor asked curiously.
“You meet your best friend and his grandma pays the fee for you. Unfortunately they decide to move out of the country and you’re back where you started, except that now you have access to the best school in the city”, he answered in a low voice.
“Talk about traitors.”
Natheniel sighed again, and yet again his thoughts slipped away, when he couldn’t resist wondering if the Santilians were ever to come back. Danny and his grandma had really been the heroes in his misery and Natheniel would probably always be grateful for the opportunity he was given. And what had he done with it? Thrown it away just because he for a short time during the summer had stopped caring.
“No, they had their own problems to handle. And they weren’t more than humans, everybody sees to their own problems first”, he said in a dreamy voice. While the mop swept forward along the floor.
“Do you know what kind of problems it was, or did they just leave you hanging?”
“Danny’s dad past away.”
Natheniel nodded. There wasn’t much to say, since he had his cell phone stolen more than a year ago had he not heard anything more from Danny and he tried to not think too much about it. Instead did he put his focus on getting done here so he could move on to the next task, like washing up after the elderly’s breakfast. Even the janitor seemed to feel that the talk was over, because the man didn’t say anything more.
“Her name is Roxanne Rosewell.”
Natheniel looked up, surprised, from the sink and turned his head to see the janitor changing a light bulb. Time had been running away without them talking much to each other, but Natheniel felt like the man was more understanding now.
“Who?” he said a bit confused, as he didn’t understand who the janitor was talking about.
“My daughter, who else?”
Natheniel could almost hear the man smirk at him, and he turned his eyes back to the sink. Now it was just all the damn cutlery left!
“Natheniel Taylor!”
He jerked at the high-pitched woman’s voice which came from the door opening and dropped the fork back into the dirty water in the sink. Why did she always have to yell at him? It sounded like the world was about to end!
“Mr. Roberts wants you to come up to him and make him company!”
“But I’m not done with the dishes yet…”
“Hurry then!”
My god, did she think that he could split up and be at two places at the same? He could hear her steps as she walked away, and he put his left hand down into the sink to try to find the runaway fork again.
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