You don't know me. But, I am the one who transcribes these stories. They come from this old book. It's worn leather or something and the pages have this sort of see through aspect to them. Sometimes the words are hard to read and most tales so far are written in this kind of reddish ink. The person who had the job before me left these really obscure notes; things like the Stories are real, don't trust anybody. Honestly, I don't know why they would quit I get 40 thousand to just transcribe these books. The place could be run by demons and I wouldn't care.
I just transcribe and post them on this website. So, I figured this could be a way to communicate with you, the reader. The bosses say to keep a journal or something so I thought why not, right? All they say is that each chapter needs to be transcribed and uploaded on here. So that's what I do. The last two stories were kind of dark though.
I've begun to notice the lights flickering and after the first story Final Goodnight or whatever. I have these dreams of the mother just standing in my closet. She doesn't say anything but when she opens her mouth an eyeball falls to the floor and rolls to my feet and it's a teddy bear button. That happened last Tuesday. I don't have the dreams anymore but I close the closet just to be sure. It could just be the stress of the job. I'm stuck in this dingy basement with nothing else to do. They really want me to transcribe it so you guys are really my only outlet here. I don't even get cell service down here and they kind of lock me in because safety or something. I don't know.
Also after starting, I get this bad feeling like I'm being watched. I see blurry shapes in the corner. I think it's lack of sunlight. With the lights. I sometimes don't know if it's early morning or night. Also my mind could be playing tricks on me, with me transcribing it's hard.
I just wanted to say hello. It shouldn't be a big problem. Just drop a comment below. I try to answer all the ones you know. It's weird typing this out.But hey, I don't think I told you my name. It's Rubens. It's actually spelled like that too. Funny story my mom, great woman, loved that painting. The Wrath of the Gods. It's a painting of Promethues being devoured by the eagle. It's a bit original. However, my mom enjoyed that painting. A lot. Luckily, I can get by with Rue. I gotta go, I'm off to lunch.
Signing off Rue.
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