Katsandra invited Nicolle to go for a walk with her after breakfast. She knew something had happened; being another catgirl, she couldn't help but notice her sister’s distress. When they’d gone far into the woods surrounding the safehouse, they came upon the low, flattened boulder Katsandra had picked for this tête-à-tête. "We're alone here, let's sit down. Now... spill it for me, sister."
Katsandra listened while Nicolle tried to explain what she and Edwin had said to each other, and all the hurt and confusion she felt. And about her dreams. "I don't know what to think. He talks about me leaving him but I thought he needed me. I thought we’d be together forever.”
Katsandra shook her head. "You silly kitten! You don’t see the way he watches you when you're not looking at him. I don't sleep in his bed but even I can see where his heart is. He worships you. You could bite off the fingers of one hand and he'd give you the other."
"Then I don't understand him at all. I can’t read his feelings anymore. When he knows what he wants, I can sense it. Now, all I can get from him is confusion. I can’t tell what he wants."
"Ohhh, honey… we're only part human and even full humans don't understand each other. And most of them don’t know what they really want."
"But what he said..."
"Listen, Nic, Sandra taught me that words don't always tell the truth. Humans often say things they don't mean. Sometimes because they're being cruel but sometimes because they think they're being kind. I saw him early this morning."
"He didn't come to breakfast."
"No, he went into the woods by himself. I saw his face, how he moved. Now I understand what was wrong with him. He told you that you're free because he thinks he's doing the right thing. But, Nicolle, I think it's killing him inside. If you can’t trust your senses, go with what your heart feels, no matter what he says. He may not own you anymore, but I believe you could own him if you wanted to."
Next: Part 20 / 25, “Pillowtalk - Souls”
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