“The rooms are yours, everything in them is yours, even the stuff in those boxes. If you break something and it’s not an accident, it will not be replaced.” Ms Lika said, answering a boy named Louis’ question.
“What about the food in the kitchen? And cleaning?” Charles asked, he didn’t seem too eager about cleaning.
“The food in the kitchen is all yours, do not fight over it though, it magically replaces itself after an hour. As for cleaning, you are expected to clean up after yourselves but a maid will come up here every weekday while you’re learning and clean everything and do your laundry. I expect your learning to be your priority, you’re still expected to pass high school.” She said.
“How do we know where to go?” Daniel asked.
“Oh, I forgot to hand these out earlier.” She pulled a bunch of necklaces out of her pocket. They had small silver circle pendants with letters on them hanging on silver chains. “These will be your best friends for the next few weeks.” She began handing them out. I realised the letters on one side were our initials. The other side had the letters De-An on it, I had a slight idea what that could be.
“What are the letters on the back?” Charles asked.
“That is your race or races.” She waited as everybody put there necklaces on. “If you’re more than one race, you don’t have to tell anyone all of them, only state the one that is more prominent. Each of you should know what the letters mean since you know what you are.” She paused.
“We call these mind necklaces. They project your timetables in your head and direct you on where to go to get to each class. They also have their own personalities, most of the time they show themselves as people in your heads or you will just hear a voice. Eventually the necklaces will bind to you and cause pain to you if damaged, so I encourage you to keep them on you at all times. Today is sunday, so tomorrow you will be expected to go to class. Go to bed on time, you have to wake up at 6:30.” Ms Lika left the room and I heard the elevator ding.
‘Hello?’ I thought. I was hoping this would work and I wouldn’t feel stupid after doing it.
‘Hi, I’m Darcel, your necklace.” The voice was feminine. I couldn’t see anybody in my mind so I figured I’d just be able to hear her voice.
‘That is correct. I do not have any form. I think it’s more appropriate just talking rather then you seeing me.’ She said.
‘I’ve heard stories from other personalities about how they showed there forms and it got really weird if you know what you mean.’
‘Yes, I know what you mean. Are you all girls?’ I asked Darcel.
‘Yeah. Don’t ask me why though, I have no idea.’
“Is your necklace speaking to you Riveheart?” Wilden asked me.
“Yeah. Is yours?” I could tell by the look on his face that it was. He looked amazed by it.
“Yeah. Daniel is jealous because his won’t talk.” He laughed.
“Everybody’s jealous, only yours are talking to you.” Daniel frowned. His hair was now completely green.
For the rest of the night, everyone hung out in the rec room. Louis made everybody the most amazing lasagne ever, apparently he was a great cook. We all took turns playing Mario kart on the Wii and played pool.
I was over at the pool table playing pool with Wilden, Daniel, Louis, and a boy named Anthony.
“So, what’s it like being a Demon?” Louis asked me.
“What do you mean?”
“Are you, like, evil or something? Do you summon stuff with pentagrams?” he asked.
“I’m not evil and I’ve never even thought of summoning something.” It was weird how upfront Louis was, I doubt I had ever had anyone ask those sort of questions after just meeting me.
“But you’re a demon. Demons can’t be good!”
“Werewolves aren’t supposed to be good either. Have you ever killed anyone?” I asked him.
“Of course not… Fine I see your point.” He had his turn but got none of the balls in. I had my turn and got two balls in. I found myself wondering if I had played pool before.
“By the way Lazarus, we all agreed to not hate you since we’d have to spend a lot of time with you. We did it when you disappeared into your room. Wilden convinced us.” Charles told me.
“Thanks? And I go by Riveheart, my last name.” So far this had been the strangest day of my life.
“Why?” Anthony asked.
“I can’t remember.”
“I guess that’s the answer to most questions right now.” he replied.
“We also agreed not to hate alien boy.” He said.
“Thanks, I guess.” Daniel said.
The pool game ended and I went to my room after washing my dishes. The pressure in the shower was excellent and the towels in there were so soft and soaked up the water easily.
I dressed in tracky dacks then put my twinkle lights on and turned off the light. I ran to the bed and scrambled under the covers in fear that something under the bed would grab me, even though I knew that was ridiculous. I looked over to my alarm clock which read 7:45. It was earlier then I was expecting to go to bed but I didn’t care.
It took me a while, but I finally got to sleep at 8:30 although I kept waking up throughout the night. Maybe I was a really light sleeper?
I decided to get up at six when I couldn’t get back to sleep and got changed into the school uniform we had gotten yesterday.
The uniform was made of slim black dress pants, a long sleeved. White, button up shirt, a black blazer with the logo of the school on it, and a dark blue tie. To begin with, the uniform was too short but it quickly extended to fit me. I didn’t know how to tie and tie so I left it hanging over my shoulders like a scarf. I picked up a pair of black converses and put them on then found a comb in a cupboard in the bathroom. I tried to make my wavy hair look good but I couldn’t find any hair gel so it wouldn’t sit correctly.
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