It was noon and the generals continue in their reunion, discussing about the prince’s fate.
─C’mon Yago, you’re the youngest of the three and you’re like an old curmudgeon.
─You don’t want him dead?!!
─No, I don’t ─Melchior said without hesitation, Yago exploded in frustration ─. He’s entertaining. This town has been dead, no one resisted in years, they did as they were told, until the boy arrived.
─Exactly! he’s waking them up. Even yesterday some soldiers were cheering his nonsense and keep talking about it.
─Yago, you know people always talk about the tournament for days ─Louis said.
─Hmmn, he defeated three of our men… without powers!!!
─Then that’s a sign that the soldiers have loosened up in their trainings, double-session them or something.
─Melchi is right, our guys are rarely called for war, they’re overconfident that nobody is a match for them.
─That’s why we do the tournament, for them to be ready.
─Given the results of the last one, they're clearly not ─Melchior said.
─Anyway let’s not stray from the topic… hmph ─Yago cleared his throat ─. What if the brat theach the others to fight?
─It would take months, or years to beat our soldiers, Raen had a hard time since the third encounter.
─Louis, if one of them oppose us… soon the others will do the same. They outnumber us, we must keep them in line before it’s too late!
─This is a town where its people can’t use kivets!! ─huff, the disscussion heated up, Yago and Louis continued yelling like this for a while.
─I understand your point General Yago, but killing the boy is not the solution. Doing so will only increase the resentment of the rest towards us, even cause an uprising. Isn’t that what you want to avoid?
─Then what do you suggest, General Melchior?
─As already said, improve the training sessions.
─You may put as escort on the boy, watch him more ─Louis added.
─That’s right, I have him covered at the mines. The boy is obedient and does well his job. Besides… techniacally he hasn’t broken any rule, and the three of us gave him permision to participate in the event.
─I gave him an armor… Tsk ─he smashed the table.
After a brief pause, Melchior stood up from his chair ─. General Yago, remember that this is your town, any decision you take over the matter; that not include my mines, I’ll support you ─Yago nodded ─. If you excuse me, I have work to do.
Back at the mines, Sennet watched the dining hall. It was the middle of the shift, the boys gathered at the table they used to, soldiers and other villagers were still excited congratulating and scolding Raen; but they were reprimanded by the commander.
─By General Melchior orders, all talking about yesterday’s ocurred events are prohibited in this place ─the crowd disperse, leaving alone the kid.
─Agh, I hate Sennet. Always with an air of superiority ─Rozen said.
─Well, he’s a commander, he’s always with the generals, he must’ve done something to deserve that title ─Jethro said.
─I think he’s very weird, in the morning he attacked us; but then he helped us.
─What! why? did he hurt you? ─Leo asked concerned.
─Forget it, we are fine. And I think he really likes Ingrid ─Raen added, everyone else on the table reacted an looked at the commander.
With their little discretion, Sennet caught the eye of the group, correspongind with a frown. The day continued without anymore troubles, at the end of it at the lattice doors of the mines; Jethro offered himself again to carry the prince. However, two soldiers were waiting for Raen.
─We scort you to your house, punk.
─He’s still injured, please let me carry him there.
─No, that’s his problem, put him down and the rest of you get the hell out of here.
─Hey! he can barely walk ─his friends were defending him. The soldiers drew their swords to pull them away.
─It’s ok guys, I can do it ─the gang retreat in disgust ─. Ah!… Jethro, could you tell Don Vik about this, please?… I don’t want him to think I’m playing around.
Without Viktor’s healing treatments his wounds cured slowly. For two weeks the soldiers guarded Raen at all times. The boy was a nice one, causing the imperials to befriend him, and of course Yago didn’t liked at all the situation. He withdrew the escort, but they watched him at the distance.
Raen and his friends were reunited at the inn’s back yard.
─Wuuu, at last you got rid the guards off you.
─Hehee, not quite Rozen, they’re still keeping an eye on my movements.
─So you still can’t teach us to fight? ─Leo asked.
─There are more people that want to learn too ─Isaac said.
─We can do it. But while the soldiers are after my actions, we have to be extra cautious ─the rest asked how would they do that ─. Ok, we must keep doing our rutines. I’ll teach you some moves and you must practice them away from me ─everyone agreed ─. Be careful, I’m the most watched, but you’re my friends, so probably…
─They keep an eye on us too ─Jethro said.
─Aww, he called us friends… Raen, sometimes you’re a cutie ─Rozen hugged him by the shoulder.
─How do you want me to call you? That’s what we are.
─Jaa, now that you mention it… We should name this gang.
─Mmmn ─Isaac and Leo faceplamed themselves.
The girls gave the boys some fresh drinks.
─Oh! I couldn’t avoid listening the last part, Are you looking a name for your group? ─Rozen nodded with a dorky face ─. What about?… Mmmmn… “The chaos muffins” ─Rozen loved the proposal, the rest… not so much.
─Oh dear heavens you are so ment for each other ─Elyon said.
With difficulty and in secret, the gang was learning some techniques from Raen. A couple of weeks after, the Skills tournament came again, each time a match ended, Jullien made his way over to the boy to see if he would volunteer.
─What about now Daragon Boy? ─he waved at him to go over the ring ─. Will you give us another spectacle?
─Oh! no, no, no ─with his arms forming an X he kept rejecting ─. I’ve learn my lesson, I don’t want to anger Don Viktor… ever again ─the crow laughed.
─Pst Raen, do you think I can fight? ─Rozen asked very cheerfully, but he was told it was too soon ─. Aww.
At the general seats, they were enjoying the tournament.
─See Yago, you were overreacting, the kid learned, well done Marlon.
─I appreciated that General Louis.
The event concluded fast, with a few unjured and without the intervention of any kivet non-user. That same afternoon the gang had a meeting at the inn, they practice their battle moves. The waiting room was the biggest area of the establishment, they just needed to move the chairs and tables around, where their spectators friends watched them.
─Raen, Do you realy think we’ll achieved the same as you? ─Rozen asked.
─Nothing is achieved overnight, if you continue your daily practice, I’m sure you will. You’ve been doing so well so far.
─Jaaah, heard that Skulls, your strident leader is doing fine.
─You all are doing so well.
─Raen, I have time wanting to tell you something, but I wanted to be sure before talking ─Jethro spoke with a serious tone. Everyone were looking at him ─. I think you… You’re from Iskyla and were a caravanner.
─WHAT?! ─everyobody was surprised.
─Are you?! ─Rozen asked excited.
─Erm… Jethro… What makes you think something like that?
─Eeeeeh!… He didn’t denied… ─Rozen, Isaac and Leo said at the same time ─. Are you? c’mon tell us.
─You see… a years ago Elyon and I… were part of the Order of the Caravans.
─WHAT?!! ─All of them were surprised again.
─Are you from Iskyla too?!
─No, Rozen, I said we were part of the Order, not from there.
<<Mnnn, I don’t remember seeing them at the Order>>.
─It was a long time ago, when back then Prince Bao was a student at the academy.
─You know King Bao Lundberg?!! ─Isaac asked.
─Is it true that he’s super strong? ─Leo said excited.
<<Well… If it is true when Bao, then that explains why I don’t remember them… It was when I didn’t leave my chambers…>>.
─Too strong! we witnessed how he broke a brick wall with his bare fist ─Elyon simulated the act in the air while describing it.
─Why did he do that? ─Oliver asked.
<<Oh I know that story… >>.
─Eeen… It was nonsense, one of the other students stole and broke his stupid collar ─she said.
─Meh… the royalty and their stupid jewelry ─the skulls complained.
<<Uuugh, you too. That collar in an important gift! not stupid jewelry. Hmph… At least Bao got his back>>.
<<Hmmmn, so losing the collar is a family thing>> Ingrid thought while smirking at Raen.
─But what does this has to do with me? Besides… Isn’t it supposed that whoever enters the academy must be a kivet user?
─Are you kiver users?!! Jethro, Elyon!
─Grrr Rozen, stop yelling at everything ─the red haired girl scold the boy.
─No, we’ve never been. And no Raen, anybody can enter into the Order. The first phase is one on one battle and weapon handling; which means, nobody uses powers.
<<That’s correct>>.
─And you my friend, have been teaching us just like they do in the academy ─All of them looked at Raen.
<<Ah crap!!, I didn’t think any of them would have been at the academy. Obviously I’m teaching the same way, I was one of the teachers… Uuuugh, now what should I do?>>.
─You applied all the elemental lessons in the tournament: read an aticipate your rival movements, use the environment in your favor and remove the kivet to your opponent to take advantage.
─Wow, you know a lot Jethro ─Ingrid and Isaac said amazed.
─But something doesn’t fit Jethro. Umn… when you arrived to Minawoods you said, you come from another city. Were you captured while you were in a mission? ─Leo asked.
─Oww, let me cleared something, we… never became oficially caravanners. To be one you need to pass the three phases.
─You didn’t pass the three phases? ─Floralia asked.
<<If they never been able to use any kivet, they couldn’t enter the second phase even if they passed the first one>>.
─No, for the other phases you must have powers. Of course we wanted to be part of a caravan, but the king said it was very dangerous without kivets.
─When we were children a caravanner saved our lives, we travel with him for years helping him and battling imperial soldiers. But when he wanted to make it official, even if we already had good results; Grrr, the king refused. They only gave us missions as assistants, delivering supplies to allied towns ─Elyon said with resenment.
─Aww, but if you were already part of the caravans, how did you two were captured? ─Viktor asked.
─Erm… we were problematic kids back then. We didn’t want to follow the king’s rules, so we fought with the guy who saved us and ran away… ─the young man said with somewhat melancholy.
─We made our way of justice… until the empire beat us and ended here ─she said.
<<Ah! They are… Jethro and Elyon are Broges’s crimson wolves!!>>.
Clearly the conversation deviated, Raen removed his gloves, unbottoned the cuffs of his shirt and lookd at Don Viktor. The healer knew the meaning of that look ─. You’re right Jethro… I’m more than a caravanner, I’ve never had amnesia problems, I perfectly remember who I am and where I come from ─those words brought everyone’s attention back to the boy.
─I am Raidha Lunberg, prince of Iskyla.
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