The door opened and Taura gasped and spun her chair around, then relaxed when Jack and Corona entered the front room. She let out a long sigh.
"Hi. I was getting worried."
"Sorry," Corona said. "The gig ran a little longer than I thought it would."
"How'd it go?"
Corona grinned and walked to the couch. "Jack recorded some incriminating footage of the stalker and I chased him off. Then we waited there a while in case he came back, but he didn't."
"He's probably afraid to get near the place." Jack laughed. "I bet he lived a thousand lifetimes in the thirty seconds she spent working him over." He kissed the side of her muzzle and she giggled.
Taura looked away and frowned, wondering why her heart sank a little at that moment. She shrugged it off and reached over to her desk to pick up a media card. "Glad to hear it went well."
"Yeah, it was nice to have a quick and easy one, for once. We didn't make a lot of money because the girls who hired me didn't have much to spare, but we did okay."
"Good." Taura held the card out to Jack and smiled. "I finished editing another batch of customer clips."
Jack took the card and smiled. "Thanks."
"You're welcome." Taura chuckled. "I'll do another batch tomorrow."
"You don't have to."
"I know, but I want to."
"Well, thanks." He smiled again.
Taura grinned.
Corona put her arms around Jack and nuzzled his cheek.
Taura looked away again but somehow kept her smile in place. What the hell? Why is that bothering me? It never did before.
Jack yawned. "Guess I should hit the sack. It's the middle of the night."
"Hmm, now that I think about it, I should shower first." Corona grimaced. "I feel like I've got cooties just from touching that pervert."
"I bet." Jack grinned. "Need help washing those hard-to-reach places?"
"Well, it’s very kind of you to offer, sir." Corona batted her eyes.
Jack bowed theatrically. "It would be an honor, my lady."
Taura turned away and shook her head, then caught herself and glanced at them, hoping they hadn't noticed. Fortunately, their attention was focused entirely on each other.
As it always is. Taura reached into the holofield and moved a few windows around just to look as if she was doing something.
"Race ya to the shower." Corona giggled and dashed into the bathroom.
"Hey! You had a head start. That's cheating!" Jack laughed and rushed after her.
The door closed, muffling their laughter -- as well as the other sounds that would start in a few moments.
Taura noticed her hands shaking. She clenched her fingers and growled softly to herself. What the hell is wrong with me? She sighed. I should go to bed before I get any more irritable.
She closed the current applications, powered down her computer, and picked it up. She strode into her room, placed the gadget on the small bedside table, took her clothes off, and flopped onto her bed. She drew in another deep breath, released it slowly, and wondered if the two lovebirds would keep her awake all night.
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