Marooned on an unknown planet, Tara finds herself at the mercy of some of its inhabitants! With no translators at hand, the challenge to communicate is almost as overwhelming as the need to survive and make her way back to Alpha Centauri! Back on Alpha Base, the crew has a handful of folks in custody as they try to figure out where to go next in their mission to track Tara down. Shola, Nanda and Sarissa try to keep Adrian from having a breakdown as Villam and Peter report once again that they’ve retrieved a Confed ship… with Tara’s old headband and waist sash sitting inside of it.
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Tara awakens in a regeneration tube with no recollection of who she is and where she comes from. The insidious truth behind Tara’s amnesia is, she has a secret that makes her worth hunting–and it’s far more terrible than anyone could have ever imagined.
A Deviant Mind TM and Copyright 1980-2015, A Deviant Mind is TM and Copyright Pam Harrison
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